"Suicide Space" the sad story of parents

Armani 2022-10-25 00:05:34

A recent issue of "Today's Statement" broadcast such a case: a boy studying in Japan, because his mother could not pay the tuition, he returned to China and stabbed his mother to death. On the surface, it was the child who caused the tragedy, but the mother who was killed bears the inescapable responsibility. The mother divorced her child's father at an early age and raised her child alone. In order to meet the unrestrained demands of the children, they work outside the home with multiple jobs, but the demands of the children are always endless. Although the child put a lot of pressure on her, she never told the child about the current situation. The child studying in Japan mistakenly thought that her mother was unwilling to pay for her tuition, which led to the final tragedy.
Many people accuse children of being very ignorant, how can they treat their mothers like this. However, if the mother did not hide everything and communicated smoothly with her child, perhaps this situation would not have happened today. In the final analysis, it is still a problem of slaps. This problem does not only appear in this family. In fact, it has already existed in the society, so that the film works use it as the theme, and it has also attracted the general attention of the audience.
From the earlier "Juno", the later "Orphanage", "Orphan", to this year's "Suicide Space", all of them showed urgent worries and extreme anxiety on education issues, and even revealed in these films Horribly depressing and bloody. With such a meaning, the film can easily win the favor of parents or children, and the audience's rating of the work will not be too low.
It is not easy for Polish films that rarely appear in the mainland to make waves among fans. In addition, the disputes between teenagers who are addicted to the Internet and their parents are permeated with a lot of corruption and blood. Naturally, many Young audiences are intrigued. These elements that are flooded in this film have quite a bit of non-mainstream style characteristics, but they are not used as commercial elements, but add a bit of the texture of niche literature and art.

The work tells the story of Dominic playing a kissing game with his classmates at a banquet. The process was recorded as a video and posted on the Internet, which attracted numerous public opinions and caused extremely serious psychological pressure. At the beginning of Dominic's pain, his parents did not pay attention to the changes in his psychology, but were busy with their own careers. Dominic, who lacks family warmth, seeks warmth that does not exist in reality on the Internet. The long-term repression and pessimism cannot be fully released here. Instead, his emotional changes are more serious because of sustenance, and he finally died in a certain In the toilet of the bar.
In the film, a large number of gray and cold tones and tough lines are used to emphasize the sense of coldness, and there are undercurrents in the seemingly gentle plot, so that the film will not be boring in a dull and depressing atmosphere. The conflict between Dominic and his parents, classmates, and netizens is not too big, and he must rely on the hero's one-man show to support the ideological and viewpoints of the whole film. The film arranges Dominic's ideological struggle in many places, but it is not a strong way to express the content. Only with outstanding performance of the actors can the content be fully interpreted. Fortunately, Jacob Tereszal is a good actor, which adds a lot to the film.
European films are much more straightforward than American films and Asian films in terms of sexual orientation and emotional expression. Therefore, whether it is Dominique's extreme thoughts, his ambiguity with his male classmates, or his spiritual dependence on netizens, they do not beat around the bush. It is a simple and neat explanation, not pretentious or wordy. This is a way that European films talk about the relationship between the sexes, and it is also a major feature that distinguishes European films from other places.

This straight-forward approach can play different functions in different types of films, such as romance and passion in romance films, hints of next events in horror films, and also known as educational films in educational films. Evidence of various viewpoints... In this film, it is defined as a kind of depression and fragility that cannot be dealt with, which well sets off the atmosphere of the whole film.
Dominica's relationship with her parents is normal for many families in China. In many families with superior living conditions, there is always such a problem of teenagers. They are extremely indifferent in front of money, because cold banknotes cannot bring warmth to their hearts. "Suicide space" is an objective existence of a pessimistic emotion, and what it projects is the parent's rigid, emotionless caring attitude, the child's submissive feelings to reality.
The significance of this exotic viewing product to the society of the country cannot be assessed, but it is indeed a film that is very worth watching for domestic families and needs to be reflected after watching it. Children's psychological growth requires a process, which is closely related to family and society, especially family. As a parent, how to make a child feel his love and warmth is much more important than giving him enough money to meet his material needs. This view has been appealed in the society for many years, but it has not been fully popularized. Not to mention is a dangerous regret.
Although this movie can't persuade parents who are not in the correct way of caring, the cruel case may still give these parents a sharp warning.

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Suicide Room quotes

  • Dominik Santorski: I went to school, I walked through the corridor, I went past my class looking them all in the eyes, and I looked at that loser, and he just looked away.

    Sylwia: Was he scared?

    Dominik Santorski: Yes.

    Sylwia: Was he?

    Dominik Santorski: It was incredible. I was in total control of the situation. I was... I was... I can't describe it! I felt like an animal. Like... A murderer.

  • Dominik Santorski: They know nothing. They play pathetic, ridiculous parts in a hollow, ridiculous play.