"3096 Shocking Kidnapping": the youthful years disappear in the dungeon

Kimberly 2022-01-19 08:03:02

"3096 TAGE" (3096 TAGE) is based on a real kidnapping case in Austria. The victim Natascha Kampusch wrote an autobiography after the incident, and the film was made based on the contents of the book. In March 1998, she was kidnapped on the way to school, and since then she has been in the dark for more than eight years. The girl's youth was passing in the dungeon, he destroyed her life, and she also had some contradictory thoughts.

When it comes to movies, the selection of materials is convincing, but it only stays in plain filming techniques. The film was filmed in time sequence for more than eight years of life, but it is basically only due to the relationship between the victim and the culprit. As for the girl’s family, there are insufficient descriptions, or more sensationalism will be added to the drama. In addition, there is also how the society views this matter, which is left blank. The main description of the film is the ambiguity between the girl’s growth and hers. Her ambiguity is understandable. Survival is the primary prerequisite. To survive, she must rely on the kidnappers to provide her with food and water, and to satisfy the kidnappers' requirements. And unknowingly, the kidnapper also needed her very much. He was possessive. When the girl escaped, he couldn't stand the blow and committed suicide by jumping off the track.

This kidnapping case was premeditated, because a girl’s prime time was wasted because of personal selfishness and obsession. She lives and lives in the dark, and the outside world is too unfamiliar to her. Her food, clothing, shelter and transportation are all controlled by the kidnappers. As long as the gangsters are unhappy, she will have nothing to eat for many days. And she knew that she couldn't escape underground, and she had to compromise if she wanted to stay alive. She thought about running away many times, but under the authority and surveillance of the gangster, she couldn't do anything. She was entangled in a crack, she had no one to trust and call for help, but in her bones she knew she had to leave. Finally, one day after more than eight years, she finally had a chance to leave.

The victim's youth was dedicated to the selfish kidnapper, and the kidnapper kept asking the victim to obey him, even calling him "king." He is psychopathic and doesn't know how to take care of himself, so his family has to assist in handling three meals. And he is inevitably a bit obsessive-compulsive. For example, he has a special cup and has requirements on the table setting. The girl's mentality is also very complicated. She is like a double-faced person. On the one hand, she knows to leave, and on the other hand, she is content to accept the kidnapper's request. She was tamed by the kidnappers, living in an environment lacking education and long-term "brainwashing", lacking critical thinking.

There is a good reason to say that the girl is suffering from Stockholm syndrome. She began to walk into the inner world of the kidnapper, try to understand his loneliness, begin to sympathize with him, and even sacrifice her body. Childish girls are ignorant. The kidnappers also have a romantic relationship. Sometimes the relationship between them is like a couple, and sometimes it is particularly cruel. Everything is based on the jealousy of the kidnappers.

However, this film is limited to superficial statements, the images are pale, flat and straightforward, and the perspective is slightly insufficient, not enough to shock the world and shock, and it is lacking in the criticism of psychology and human nature. It may be a pity for the audience that the youth and freedom of the girl are lost in this way. What she cares about and her inner world are all on the surface, and the movie world lacks thinking. The subject matter of "Forbidden Room Cultivating Desire" should also be instructive and shocking. Unfortunately, the filming technique and narrative of this film are only formal, not to the core, and there is no reflection and thinking. Some show how a person suffered from Stockholm syndrome, under pressure and need, how she disappeared, and then how to reappear.

Undoubtedly, the narrative of this film is not high, but as a girl, there is a sad feeling. Compare your heart to yourself. If you are trapped in such a place, what will happen if you suddenly disappear one day? Or obey like a man in the play? Or will you choose to end your life? or? This is still a bit alarming.


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3096 Tage quotes

  • Natascha Kampusch: Why did you pick me?

    Wolfgang Priklopil: I've seen your smile.