A tragedy caused by a smile

Rylan 2022-01-19 08:03:02

There are three “dungeon imprisonment” cases that shocked the world in the country of Austria. Mothers imprisoned children, fathers imprisoned daughters for incest, and this Natascha Kampusch (Natascha Kampusch) who was kept in the dungeon from the age of 10 until the age of 18. ), the first two are shocking, and this one is shocking, then sympathetic, and finally inspirational. Shocked by the length of time in captivity, sympathized with the misery, inspired by the girl’s tenacious vitality and psychological endurance, and even after finally regaining her freedom, she can still enter society as a host, publish books, and recall that painful period. The past, such an extraordinary psychological endurance is like her miserable experience different from ordinary people.
That night, in the newly renovated new house, Wolfgang bought Natasha a piece of underwear (should it be erotic underwear?) The lace-style underwear was so incongruent on the skinny Natasha. Wolfgang said that this was our wedding night, and then she hugged her "lovingly". Natasha asked him: why me? Wolfgang answered: because you smile beautifully. The scene replayed to the "first sight" of Little Lolly and the young engineer, who was seen by Wolfgang Stoker eating biscuits. She smiled shyly at Wolfgang and stretched out her fingers to silence her voice, indicating that it was a secret. Just because of this innocent smile, Wolfgang began to plan his kidnapping. He used his talents as a telecommunications engineer and began to design the cellar, ventilation ducts, doors, walls, every detail was carefully designed. Carry out his own kidnapping three months later.
From the perspective of criminal psychology, Wolfgang may be a pedophile. He is very paranoid in character. Perhaps the day Natasha smiled at him was when he was unemployed. How can I say that there are many details in the movie. Explain that he originally worked for Siemens, which shows that his professional skills are worthy of recognition, but why he will be fired in the end? It is boldly speculated that it is due to his personality flaws. From the beginning, he has grown up, but for eating like this His mother has to take care of his mother. It can be seen that he should have been favored since he was a child. From graduation to working for Siemens, it shows that he has a smooth sailing and almost no setbacks. When suddenly one day is unemployed, his gap and difference The frustration was sudden, which made his paranoia develop to the limit. As a Loser, his sense of self-identity also declined, which is why at the end of 8 years of imprisonment Natasha, he kept saying: Obey me! Obey me! Obey me! Almost neurotic repeatedly emphasized that he actually yearned to be recognized, hoping to become a "ruler" and a master in this way.
For Natasha, the so-called Stockholm syndrome was very obvious in her throughout the process. The whole tone of the movie is actually very depressing. It is always low dialogue voices, cellars, and dim lights, trying to highlight the world in which Natasha lives and the world in her heart. How can I say it, Natasha is very strong. What kind of psychological changes the 10-year-old daughter has experienced in such a place, fear, fear, and superficial composure are all surprising, maybe we underestimated 10 For the psychological endurance of a year-old girl, I think the young Natasha performed very well. During the period when Volgonf was punished by being hungry, she in the shot went from pleading to anger to trying to persuade Volgon. Husband, the tension of the expression is very moving, and the psychological growth is more detailed. After 14 years of age, Natasha was asked to change her name to VIVI. The loss of her original name meant that Wolfgang planned to turn her into another person who obeyed her. Natasha obeyed, starting from being punished and starving. . Before being kidnapped, Natasha was a little fat, and she complained that she would be fat when she bought the clothes her mother bought, but after being punished for not giving food, Natasha was skinny and skinny, according to news reports at the time. When Tasha was rescued, she was only 40 kilograms and her weight was about the same as when she was kidnapped. Maybe in those 3096 days, Natasha was afraid of being beaten and killed, but also afraid that she would have no food to eat. The good news is that Wolfgang is kind to Natasha sometimes, and will buy her books and gifts. Of course, this is based on the premise that Natasha is very obedient, and this is enough to prove that Wolfgang is kind to Natasha. There is no love in feelings. For him, Natasha is just a pet who proves that she exists and obeys her.
What about Natasha about Wolfgang? The first is fear. There is obedience only under fear. She is afraid of being beaten, afraid of being starved and even threatening to kill her when she says she runs away. I don’t think there is any emotion of hatred. She is so afraid that she can’t even hate. She just thought about it. I never thought of killing him when I ran away. Even in a real incident, after hearing that Volgonf committed suicide by lying on the rail, she still cried, and she would call the cellar where she was imprisoned as a room, which is a typical Stockholm syndrome. This is why watching the whole movie is full of depression, fear, but there is no suffocation of despair and dare, because this is Natasha’s emotions, she has illusions about Wolfgang, like expecting every time Like a gift from her. Of course, then again, Natasha's yearning for freedom and her constant fear of tension make her constantly looking for opportunities to escape. Perhaps because the film was adapted from a real event, we knew she had escaped after all. Although the process was painful, the ending was always good, so we would not realize that when she asked for help when she was skiing. A sense of despair, and the ultimate escape has become a matter of course.
The film is adapted from the book Natasha recalls being imprisoned. No matter how the plot is changed, the facts are there, trying to reproduce the tragic experience at the time. After all, it failed. The skin pain must be experienced personally. Perhaps this is the background. A fictional story with a gripping plot might be more brilliant, but if it does, it will be too unlike European movies. After all, Hollywood-style drama is different from the artistic authenticity of European movies. Maybe the director will do everything. He didn't want to convey, he didn't want to react to any practical significance, he was just telling the story objectively.

Finally, I'm still thinking about Natasha's question: why me? Is it just because of her shy smile at Wolfgang?

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3096 Tage quotes

  • Natascha Kampusch: Why did you pick me?

    Wolfgang Priklopil: I've seen your smile.