This road is a dead end, far from leading to freedom

Jana 2022-01-18 08:02:30

I like movies with this theme very much. I almost looked at the introduction and looked for it immediately.
I don't like the heroine very much.
How should I say, is she naive or something? Reminds me of the protagonist of "Survival in the Wild", McCanders in the true story. The two are almost the same foolishly.
She pursued freedom, but at the same time closed herself up. Don't love others, and don't accept other people's care. Don't know how to be grateful, just ask for it. Once the other party wants a response, she flees.
She didn't want to work, and at first she looked for some work to support herself, but later it became a stubborn habit of eating and drinking.
The shepherd philosopher who kindly took in her, gave her a place to live, gave her the arable land she wanted, and gave her a job. But she didn't want to work, and spent the whole day in the house eating sheep cheese stolen from the shepherd's wife.
After being kicked out, she hitchhiked by the female professor, took her food, and ran into the worker who pruned the grapes. He had invited her to work with him, but she only worked for a while and then began to sit idly. , The old woman and her babysitter, she stole the silver spoon that was good to her. I saw her unhappy childhood, the pursuit of freedom, strong will, she was also lonely, she also shed tears, but there is still most of the time, she eats and drinks, and speaks badly.
She is very pitiful, but as the old saying goes: "Poor people must be hateful." I sympathize with her, but I don't like it at all. I don't understand what she pursues. She lives in the spiritual world, but she is not a god. It means that she will never be able to get rid of matter, and she will not be able to achieve ultimate freedom if she can't completely get rid of matter.
Throughout the film, I saw too many people covered by ugly and pure material desires. The only one I liked most was the shepherd philosopher. He experienced what Mona had experienced, but in the end he knew he should Stopped, he lived so peacefully, that he had real, spiritual freedom.
I don't agree with what some people say, Mona's death is because she finally ushered in true freedom.
I think if Mona can have a chance to live, maybe she will finally understand what he said: "Freedom, if you choose freedom, you choose loneliness. If you don't stop, you will go to destruction."
This road is a dead end, far from leading to it. free

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Vagabond quotes

  • la platonologne Mme Landier: Why did you drop out?

    Mona Bergeron, sans toit ni loi: Champagne on the road's better!

  • les Bergers: She blew in like the wind. No plans, no goals... No wishes, no wants... We suggested things to her. She didn't want to do a thing. Wandering? That's withering. By proving she's useless, she helps a system she rejects. It's not wandering, it's withering.