Discrimination among human groups is so barbarous and ridiculous

Viviane 2022-10-07 22:06:13

One of the most beloved gangsters. Although there are guns everywhere in the house and his own "medal" on the walls, this lackluster boss can quickly accept homosexuals, which is nothing but irony.
Just like the title of the movie, people in every region have to discriminate and stigmatize the enemy or even people they don’t like. I have always liked science fiction, so when you jump out of the perspective of the earth, you will feel that it is a miracle that humans, such carbon-based creatures can survive and develop to this day, so that selfish and weak creatures have to divide groups inside and kill each other.
To be honest, I feel that the homophobia in the film is very far away. I always feel that it is 2013, and even heterosexuality is a joke of a minority group. There are still so many people who want to kill homosexuals. I searched for relevant introductions on the Internet, but I didn't see why. I don't know if it is because of religion. I also saw that Belgrade has not held a pride parade since 2001, and many parades have been cancelled in recent years. I hope this short-sighted and ridiculous discrimination can be eliminated as soon as possible.

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