What they saw in the eyes of Hot Weapon...

Lexie 2022-01-19 08:02:50

When director Ang Li gracefully awarded the Golden Lion to this promising young man in Israel, the audience was thrilled! This is the wisest and most free choice of several film workers on the basis of serving the public, democracy and equality! I am so gratified that Venice can have such a golden lion work in the ten years of the new century!
The director of this film, Samuel Maoz, is a soldier who has actually experienced the Lebanese War! He used his life as a blueprint and started to use his personal memory puzzle to restore the war. When he digs through the shadow of war buried deep in his memory, as a new director, he has no reservations about the choice without a mind. I contributed to this movie, this war, and looked at the world with the sight he picked up for a true spy! This kind of courage is not something a simple person can do, nor can anyone can afford to do it by others. Therefore, the Berlin Film Festival, which loves political wars, rejected it, and the Cannes Film Festival, which pursues the anti-war ideology of art supremacy, rejected it. It, and the Venice Film Festival gave the film a perfect rebirth!
A group of people struggled with passion in the war on the front line, thinking that they were proud of the blood of the nation and fought bravely. They called themselves national heroes and consumed their years in their glorious years, when they were reborn in blood in the war. At that time, after returning triumphantly, he was abandoned by the world with the indifference of a killing machine! They are a bullet of the times to the world, they are empty when they fly! Only the machine guns in the hands of politicians can survive!
This film uses a mobile confined space + war self-help + human perspective that is rarely or never seen in previous war-themed movies! Confined spaces have a strong emotional impact on character creation. In a small space, the audience's eyes are more likely to focus, and the impression on the images presented on the screen will be more profound! It is also conducive to the performance of actors in acting! James Franco in "127 Hours" is an example in this regard, and "Buried Alive" is the negative textbook! The performance of the four actors in this film can be described as "transition". I didn't even consider them as actors, but this is definitely not a true performance, because no soldier dared to accept such a role. The inner suffering of the warrior! So even if the director is not looking for professional actors, he is definitely not a professional soldier's true performance! These four soldiers even surpassed the performance of the five actors in "Glorious Years", using their own eyes from real fear to despair to interpret these characters, because this movie has almost no action scenes and relies on a lot of facial close-ups. And lines to set off the atmosphere! They convinced me even more under such restricted conditions! Especially when the four people talked about the meaty jokes in fear, I even followed them hard! And in the whole film, they are not only disgraced in the camera, but through close-ups, depicting their sweat, shit, and urine without evasiveness, their inner shock, and they can't believe it to despair of what they see. The suspicion about the slaughter is numb, and the distrust between each other, the emotional friction and development between these four people is too subtle! Too complicated!
The confined space imposes a lot of restrictions on film creation, and at the same time it is not a novel shooting technique, but "mobile" has played a new trick on this label. In a tank, the space is confined but the surrounding environment The situation is changing all the time. This will undoubtedly increase the tension on the rhythm of the film and the progress of the story for the audience who can only see the internal activities. They have a heart hanging all the time, wondering what will happen outside. How will the inside react to what is happening outside? This greatly promotes the audience's sense of substitution and devotion! This shows that a new director can think so deeply and show his director talent! And such a mobile tank turned into a mess under one bombardment. The shit and urine of this fashion were bombed everywhere. The whole tank was accompanied by a stench and the mess was accompanied by the four soldiers who were also covered in shit and urine. Confusing!
As for "self-help", it is actually a theme that runs through but is quite deep hidden in the film. In the 90-minute movie, we see the world traumatized by war, a soldier oppressed, feared and pulled out. A polished woman, she was trembling with terrorism, her fragile victim of war! An old grandfather who was mistaken for the enemy and only had his upper body exploded, he howled in the swan feathers, he did not cry, there was no pain, only howling and shouting, and roared at the war smoke of this world! The family hugs each other tightly in a room with no ceiling and one missing wall, but the war always separates them, but they insist on not letting go of each other's hands, because once the war is released, it means it is difficult to hold it tightly!
So in the road of human nature of these four soldiers, they walked on people's blood all the way to the heart of the war that squeezed the people's blood and made more deaths! Then they felt the fear all the way from the core of the war, and finally found their humanity. They broke through and escaped from the war, so their path was to complete self-help by suicide, and this self-help was directed to the audience around the world again from the self-help of four people. Complete self-saving for the nation of Israel! What a magnificent work of salvation extracted from the war! "Lebanon" combines the national conditions of Israel with the director's real personal memory, and uses a nation as a starting point from the massacre in the war to self-saving, using a group of soldiers to examine what this disaster has brought to the people from the perspective of a hot weapon? This is the collective self-help carrying thousands of people! In the eyes of the hot weapon, what they see is not only fear, disaster, blood, war, and death, but also the annihilation of the thought, culture, and life carried by the nation. So in the end, in a sunflower, four The soldiers finally left the killing machine that trapped them, climbed out of the tank, ushered in the film's first real location, and at the same time ushered in the end. This is the end of war, humanity, and life! We don’t know whether they can continue to breathe the fresh air in the large sunflowers, because the aftereffects of the war brought to the people can not be solved by fleeing, just as the atomic bomb will not only exist on the land of Hiroshima, after the radiation dissipates , The people of Hiroshima still hide the atomic bomb in their inner fear! As for those who have emerged from the Lebanon War and countless other wars, they will see the world through the sight of their eyes for almost their entire lives!
Rating of this film: 100 points for "Lebanon"
Rating of similar films:
"Field Platoon" 89 points,
"Full Metal Shell" 100 points,
"Glory Years" 88 points,
"Dancing with Bash" 86 points,
"Dr. Strange Love" 100 points (if it can be added, I will add 10,000 0 !)
91 points for "Thin Red Line
" and 100 points for "The Hurt Locker"

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