"The Love Song of Jack and Ruth" draws the snake out of the hole and sets her free

Griffin 2022-01-18 08:02:47

There is a dream, from the beginning to the present, sneaking into the human heart to sleep, and never awake. Nurturing, growing, and continuing in the fancy bond of drumming, but unwilling to break out of the cocoon. It has been growing, and it has not found a reason to stop, fearing that the end will be the tomb of dreams, where it cannot be rampant, and it cannot retain selfish desires. Human beings who admire fighting tirelessly have become accustomed to different opinions. What they want may be a journey of dreaming, not a destination.

Does that magnificent dream haunt you sometimes? Have you ever reached the most perfect and beautiful world that you longed for in your heart?
In the East, it is said that it is the Shambhala made by God; it is a paradise that blows away the decay and filth with the wind; it is a world of great harmony that does not distinguish you, me, or him (her); it is a pure land to wash away sins and reshape the soul, just listen It is said that those who are not destined to see it in person have also turned into foreign objects, and together with the beautiful world, they have become legends.
In the West, a person named Plato conceived the "Ideal Land" and inspired future generations to build their own Atlantis in the City of Fantasy (as for the narrowness of his personal class position), later Thomas Moore. Er piled up letters with a quill to build his "Utopia" world, until "Robinson" presented a piece of paradise (Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe") with personally traveled stories, setting up an adventure, drifting and avoiding the world. Agitation, the story is still a story, just heard, no one sees it personally.
In fact, that beautiful world still only exists in dreams, and it is still a beautiful legend for modern people who can reach the sky and the moon.

This is really a crappy opening remark, or an incomprehensible emotion, but I want to say bluntly that I am completely immersed in the joy of talking to myself. It should be inspired by the movie "The Love Song of Jack and Ruth", a very personal film that is very immersed in personalization. It is not annoying, but has a magical power to make people like it. Obviously, there is a reason. Rebecca Miller spent eight or nine years developing her feelings for the "story", revising and revising it until it took shape. With an attitude of always being loyal to himself, the nostalgia of creating the debut "Angela" is injected into "The Love Song of Jack and Ruth". With the incomprehensible spirit of self-entertainment, I dig out the obscured personality traits from nature and self, and finally make the movie belong to me and many people. Her artistic creation process is like a human thought galloping in an unfettered world, leaving behind a broad vision. As a spectator, I definitely like this kind of movie watching experience. Her indifferent and melancholic artistic style makes people doubt that she is determined to take off the hats of Arthur Miller’s daughter, Daniel Day Lewis’s wife, and Isabella Adjani’s enemy, whether it is the heart of movie fans. Knot, or did she tell whom with the gesture of a shrew?

Of course, if you appreciate this film, you will experience a deeper feeling in the aftertaste. I have watched the film and have unclear thoughts surging in my head. This is to share the joy of Rebecca Miller's creation. As if the plot is just a background, imagination, give full play to imagination, and find the password that can activate imagination in the background is the task.

There is no doubt that Rebecca Miller designed the game on the screen. A song "I put a spell on you", roaring and frightening, knocked on the door to the unknown. Are you casting a love curse, or are you making a wish that your ideals will not die and the world will be united? Maybe it's just walking on the edge and compromising the unpredictable life with a natural attitude. Hummed Courtney Saunders' "Promise Me" and watched Ruth's past and dreams burn in the fire with Jack's soul. We were emotional and thoughtfully watching Rebecca Miller’s curtain call. The fire ended a noble way of living. The hippies retreated, the idealists died, the environmental guards gradually became silent, and the people who recreated— -Ruth escaped the fire from the window, they, we will continue to push the millstone to make the world go round.

Don't forget Jack's frown and smile, Don't forget Ruth's bushy eyebrows. In addition to the game designed by Rebecca Miller, this show is also a portrait of two people, Daniel Day Lewis and Camilla Baylor. This shows that there are loopholes and flaws in the script. It does not have superb skills, but fortunately it has pleasing scenery and sharp-edged Daniel Day Lewis. At the same time, it also confirmed the consensus that Rebecca Miller said that Daniel, who is the most suitable to play Jack, is really the best candidate to play the character in the play.

Going back to the storyline, I have to get rid of the theme of father-daughter affair that everyone sees in the first place. This is really an overstatement, or is it just a gimmick to promote eyeballs. Rather, all the disgusting, sad, and maddening emotions are born out of a beautiful illusion that has been contaminated by the world. Rebecca Miller truly recorded the unspeakable emotions, but forgot to make some necessary explanations and annotations. In fact, it was a real exposure of human nature. Covering a wealth of social topics, it is only miniaturized in a movie, recording an era, sworn death is approaching, the ideal country is shattered, and the family is farewell, and it is on an isolated island. It is obvious that "squeeze" and "peerless" "It is a prop to highlight human nature. With this background, the emotional changes of a person are as simple as they are complicated, and a fictional story can be as bizarre as it is, but there will never be a real horror. The emotional radiation of some children's love, after all, can not be enough to deal with the disaster caused by the collapse of the monument. Let’s not talk about love for the time being, just talk about the Utopia, talk about escaping from the filthy material quagmire, and reclaiming a deserted island to escape the world regardless of each other. Having said this, I would think of Gu Cheng's "Ying'er", remembering the Waiheke Island destined to be caused by a star in the east.

Then again, then, simply let fear fill the heart of despair, or use a secular mentality to gain insight into the world, expose the weaknesses of human nature, jealousy, possessiveness, paranoia, temptation, and aggression, all use the same way to imitate real life. Then demonize all human emotions. The family relationships in the play are all distorted. Mothers treat fat sons who want to be hairdressers, fathers to daughters. They use different ways to destroy other people's lives. Because parents have children, they have the right to shape them as they please. You can’t eat chocolate, don’t watch TV, you just don’t care, you don’t want it.....At the end of the play, the fat boy said goodbye to Ruth with profound meaning, sympathy, wandering and uncertainty. Sorrow. There is no trustworthy affection, and there will be no warm and true affection. We must tear up perfection and mock the love of life. There is no happy or enduring love in the play. Look, both families are incomplete, and we even define love excessively with only physical desires. We cannot accept pure emotions like this. The world, so the picture highlights the innocence and innocence of Jack and Ruth’s kiss. In fact, this picture is a rainbow between reality and ideal. Different understandings are different colors, and there is no guilt and no sin. . But the essence is to use Jack's perspective to capture the world in his eyes. Nothing beautiful exists and everything is disillusioned. At the same time, she was standing in Ruth's position, looking at the future in fear, and when her father died, she had to go with him, so she was so crazy. Without the goal of life, it is like a small island that was once prosperous and happy. Later, there are only images that cannot be returned, and they can only be left to fend for themselves. It's just that the ring on Ruth's hand gave blessings beyond the world, bright.

Pedagogy and Electra, so far, they are all mutations, and it is okay to say that it is a misunderstanding. It is nothing more than to "lead the snake out of the hole", using a father and his daughter living in a panting utopian commune as a bait to draw out truth, goodness, beauty and ugliness. Looking back on the United States in the 1960s and 1970s, recreating a memory in the heart of the editor and director Rebecca Miller. When it comes to the love between Jack and Ruth, if it exists in the worldly wind and rain, this kind of father-daughter love must be a normal kind of love. It is because of creating a sterile environment that once purity is destroyed, it is no longer clean, and selfless love must lead to possession and jealousy on the other end. Maybe it’s because the little girl’s complex is too heavy. The style of the video has influenced the editing method. The poetic pictures and the rhythm of singing make a film that can be sharper and more connotative, and the whole movie has also added an ideal in vain. The romantic color of transformation, to put it bluntly, is not atmospheric enough and weakens the depth. From another perspective, it can be said that the film chooses to use emotional communication, and once people fall in love with it, they will be deeply attached to it.

Finally, I will summarize my love for this film with a few points. The natural and quiet pastoral scenery is captured into a beautiful picture that moisturizes the eyes. The excellent acting skills of Daniel and Camilla always affect the heartstrings. A carefully selected piece of music brings the viewer into the unquiet soul garden. This video is suitable for inviting your beautiful mood in the afternoon sun.

Attach movie music catalogue

1. I put a spell on you by Creedence Clearwater Revival
2. Boots of Spanish Leather by Bob Dylan
3. Sangbron by Trad Gras Och Stenar
4. Shooting Star by Boy Dylan
5. Busted Bicycle by Leo Kottke
6. I put a spell on you by Ray Charles
7. Klangborn by Trad Gras och Stenar
8. Chrisboogie by Trad Gras och Stenar
9. Broken wings by John Mayall
10. Coolidge Rising by Leo Kottke
11. One more cup of coffee by Bob Dylan
12. Promise Me by Courtney Saunders

sent another video, the address: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTU0NzA1MzA0.html
is not the original singer Screamin Jay Hawkins.
Another cover. (I put a spell on you by Shane MacGowan, Nick Cave, Chrissie Hynde, Mick Jones, Johnny Depp, Bobby Gillespie, Glen Matlock) Haitian Charity Golden Melody, played by De Puget, he was so handsome.

Personal feelings, do not like to go around.

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Extended Reading

The Ballad of Jack and Rose quotes

  • Jack Slavin: You're getting freckles.

    Rose Slavin: No I've always had those.

  • Jack Slavin: Come live with me.

    Kathleen: What about my kids?

    Jack Slavin: That goes without saying.