A must-have film for Frank Frazerta fans

Eloy 2022-10-06 18:46:18

A must-have film for Frank Frazerta fans (the film is full of beauties, monsters, castles, tropical rain forests and his iconic Leopard God...). The director of Freiz, the strange cat, explored the bold realistic animation style. The character fights are all filmed in advance by real people and then copied to the animation by the animator. (It's just because the story is clichéd that it seems to be thankless) The scene is rough but slightly To show my skills, I personally think that the tidbits are more objective. There are a lot of Frazier Tower-style settings and the production methods of this animation. The cover says "The first restricted animation in the United States", but I saw at the end, except for the richness. A girl with a beautiful American body wanders around the screen with three small pieces of cloth that are not bad how to hack, slash, and kill. I really don't know why it is classified as restricted. . . (I guess it was too conservative at the time, the monsters were too scary..)

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Fire and Ice quotes

  • Juliana: You will present our demands to King Jarol at Fire Keep and... give our royal regards to his lovely daughter.

  • Subhuman: If you peacefully surrender, my Lord Nekron will cease the destruction of...

    Jarol: This is your message of peace? A demand for our total and unconditional surrender?

    Subhuman: We call it an offer of alliance, Your Majesty.

    Taro: I call it blackmail.

    Subhuman: My Lord Nekron's offer...

    Taro: To hell with Nekron and his offer. We are free men, not slaves.

    Subhuman: King Jarol, be reasonable.

    Jarol: My son, Taro, speaks more with his heart than with his head. But he speaks for all of us.

    Taro: There can be no alliance. We will fight you to the death.

    Subhuman: Perhaps, you will soon change your mind.

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