War, sex and news regulation

Mathilde 2022-10-24 11:46:48

I watched several films about the Iraq war in a row, "The Hurt Locker", "The Courier", and "The Escort of Chance". Since they are all about the Iraq war, I turned over my disc and will buy it a long time ago. I found out the "Excerpts and Revisions" that came, and it can be regarded as a small combination.

However, there is a big difference between this film and the three above. The first three are all eulogizing American soldiers in terms of themes. The language of the lens and stories illustrate the bravery, perseverance and loyalty of American soldiers to varying degrees. Both portray the cruelty and harm of war, with an anti-war color, while "Excerpts Revised" is a direct anti-war film, and it has a deeper level of criticism of the dark side of national politics, and the theme goes beyond the theme of war. Outside.

Also because of the expansion of its theme and its further development, it is even better in terms of artistic achievements. Among the best films of 2008 summarized in the first issue of the French "Cinema Manual" in 2009, "Excerpted Revision" was listed In the first place. This is also a very high evaluation. You can criticize whether this number one is accurate, but you cannot deny the excellence of the "Excerpted Revision".

As a media person, I know what press freedom and press control are all about, especially living in China. This kind of game and struggle can often make people feel very angry and powerless. Working under centralized power, as a weaker party, this kind of frustration will happen from time to time. Sometimes I feel like I’m fighting against some idiots, and after fighting with idiots for a long time, I will become very idiots. This is really a kind of It feels frustrating. Regardless of the regulation, from the perspective of the media, every practitioner faces N multiple topics to choose from every day. Among the many topics, due to the layout and many factors, they can finally be provided to the readers. , Is just a small part of the N many choices. What to choose and what not to choose, there is obviously a selection. In this selection process, some subjective factors will naturally be cast into it, so that the final result is not so objective, and it is no longer all the news facts, or even There is a huge distortion. We all know enough about what the war in Iraq is like, at least not enough to get the true picture. Director Brian de Palma is reviewing relevant information such as news reports in the United States, related news on personal blogs, first-hand video materials returned by frontline soldiers, images that have been broadcast on Arab television, records of online chats, etc. After that, a new and more realistic aspect of the war was summarized, and then this reality was adapted to deduce a new story. This is the cause and general appearance of the "Excerpted Revision". The so-called "excerpt revision" also refers to the excerpt department where all the news seen in the U.S. political propaganda and mainstream media locks are news facts, not all the facts. To understand the whole picture, you must make a new "revision". ".

In "Excerpts and Revisions", from the narrative point of view, it takes a first-hand video of a warrior on the front line of the Iraqi war as the main screen, and then accompanies the record of the video chat between the frontline soldier and his family, and Some scenes reported by the American media, and some scenes released by war rivals, etc. These videos from different sources constitute all the scenes of this movie. In order to make the whole movie look more like the above different sources, the viewing procedures are In this regard, the different presentation forms should not be used separately. From this point of view, the story and images of the movie appear to be a bit jumpy, and it is more like a documentary. It's like a documentary director who is trying hard to collect different images, and then integrate these images from the new collection.

From a story point of view, "Excerpts Revised" is based on director Brian de Palma who read a news report about the rape and murder of a 14-year-old female student in Iraq by American soldiers and then massacred her whole family. Then he became interested and thought. Knowing how this happened, I made a movie after conducting various studies. It is a bit like "Pot Head". It is not mainly about how the war happened, but to focus on the soldiers' lives in the war, to explore how the soldiers' mentality was distorted during the war. The evil side of human nature is How it was born. Some seemingly healthy boys, why did the rape and killing of civilians happen? What happened before, during and after this crime happened, and how should they face this fact?

War, rape, humanity, and political gloom were gathered in the "Excerpts Revised". After the film was shot, the director didn’t even know if it could be released in the United States, because the film was very obvious. Politically incorrect, it not only exposes the crimes of war, but also exposes the one-sidedness of the news, as well as the indictment of politics. These are in it, making it a very special movie.

But then again, although this movie criticized the gloominess of war and politics, his ability to be filmed proves the enlightenment of American politics and the freedom of speech. Unlike my big country, where you can only shoot the main melody, anything that is critical and critical cannot be made out. In contrast, it is clear which is better and which is inferior.

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