"The Stars and Stripes Never Fall": Americans are very injured

Armani 2022-01-21 08:01:21

(Written by Zhi Ning on November 1, 2007) The
film "Home of the Brave" is literally translated as "The House of Warriors", and the more interesting translation is "The Stars and Stripes Never Fall", this translation is from the US national anthem "The Stars and Stripes Never Fall" In the sentence, "The Stars and Stripes of Victory will fly on the land of freedom and the home of the brave."
The people of the U.S. have always been good at managing the "nosy" within the scope of the earth and are keen to "educate" others with their own ideas and methods. However, things are often complicated and the U.S. often overestimates themselves. People on the earth have their own traditions and ideals. , Power and factions, and the ideas, methods and interests of the Americans are not very popular, so many Americans are very injured, especially those American soldiers who were born and died for the strategies and preached speech of the American government. From the distance of time They returned to Iraq from the recent battlefield were exhausted physically and mentally, and they were full of wounds. Physical insufficiency was not the worst. The loss of soul and mentality was the most terrifying.
Facts have shown that as long as the Americans have mixed up with Asian affairs, there will be no good results, but they still don't believe in this evil. While they have learned bitter lessons from these mixed ups and are hurt, they continue to get mixed up. In the film, among the veterans receiving psychological counseling, in addition to the soldiers returning from Iraq, there is also an elderly retired uncle. This person was discharged from Saigon, Vietnam. More than 40 years have passed since the Vietnam War. This person has not recovered yet. Injuried.
The film puts a perspective on the lives of people who have retired from the Iraqi battlefield and returned to China. Objectively speaking, this starting point is good. It is a pity that the creators are Americans after all, and failed to escape the positions and concepts of the Americans. Through the doctors who returned to their hometowns Will (played by Samuel Jackson) expressed the opinion of most Americans: We are helping them build their own free country. In this regard, Will’s 15-year-old son Billy disagrees. However, Billy is not looking at problems from the perspective of the world. One of the reasons why he is anti-war in the rebellious period is that his father went to Iraq. Be a military doctor on the battlefield.
There are 4 main characters in the film. Through the narration of their lives, work, and status after returning to their homes, they reveal the influence of the war experience on their life trajectory, family relationships, and character behavior. Some of them are still immersed in the pain and unable to escape after being demobilized, some cannot find a suitable job, some are separated from their relatives, and some are afraid of others’ sympathetic eyes. Of course, they also have similarities. They all have insomnia all night. Sometimes dizziness, headache, deep or shallow drug dependence, all sensitive, irritable and impulsive.
The footage of the film began in Iraq. On the eve of being allowed to return home, the military medical team was ordered to go to a small town for humanitarian relief with the assistance of a group of combat teams. The convoy was driving on narrow and chaotic streets, and the female driver Fanessa (played by Jessica Bell) said with concern: “This kind of rescue mission often puts us in trouble.” Sure enough, most of the companions were still immersed. In the joy of returning home, the convoy was ambushed. The medical staff and soldiers suffered heavy casualties. The dead were already dead. The survivors returned to their hometowns with the horrible memory of facing the tragic death of their comrades at close range.
Vanessa lost her right arm in that ambush and brought a prosthetic leg after her injury. She lost confidence when she returned to her previous job as a basketball coach. She was missing more than just an arm; Will returned to work in the hospital. The doctor was also in trouble. He could not forget the tragic death of the soldiers, nor could he forgive himself for not being able to save them. Self-blame and fear prevented him from continuing the operation as the chief surgeon; Jamal (played by "50 Cents") was fighting. Zhong killed a woman by mistake, which became his nightmare. After returning to China, he was dissatisfied with anything. He wounded others at the exit of the psychological counseling center to vent his anger. He couldn't stand his girlfriend's departure. When performing the last task, Tommy watched. Seeing his close friend and comrade-in-arms Jordan being hit, there is nothing he can do...
These people also have story intersections, and the presentation of these intersections can be regarded as the highlight of this film: Will rescued Vanessa and Tommy in Iraq, and his timely rescue saved Vanessa’s life and Tang. Mi’s leg, after returning to China, Fanessa went to visit Will after being shamelessly promoted by the female attending doctor, and thanked Will, but Will was concerned that Fanessa’s arm was not retained, and Tommy met When Will, he also expressed his gratitude to Will, but Will blamed himself for failing to save more people, and then became drunk and made a big Thanksgiving family dinner; Fanessa took the child to the movie and happened to be a ticket seller. Tommy, the two talked about the same feelings, "People who haven't experienced this can't feel this kind of pain", "I can't stand being pityed, staring at my hand curiously"; Jamal can't stand it. The procrastination of the demobilization agency and the departure of his girlfriend took his girlfriend and several other hostages at gunpoint. He asked the police to talk to Tommy. When Tommy persuaded Jamal to put down his gun, Jamal stood up, but was sniped. Hit by the hand, Tommy watched his friend die again, and he almost collapsed.
At the end of the film, there are several plots that seem to be playing a leading role again in the U.S. complex. For example, Tommy joined the army again and went to Iraq because he could not stand the deaths of Jordan and Jamal. He held a gun and sat in a patrol car. When patrolling the streets, his words implied that he was using this way to make his own life meaningful. This is for "freedom and equality", guarding the homeland, glory and bravery.
The secretive love between Fanessa and her colleagues, Will and her family’s re-understanding after a quarrel, and the two families meeting and exchanging greetings on the stadium, all foreshadow the comfort and warmth of love, family, friendship, and so on. The way people run away from the psychological gloom.
Under the banner of reflecting on the war, the film also tried and explored reflections. However, the whole process felt a little bit wrong, as if the Americans were talking to themselves. At the end of the film, the subtitles quoted Machiavelli's words: "War can start when you need it, but it won't end when you want it to stop." This is considered the most thoughtful aspect of the film.
( Http://nicolew.blog.hexun.com/14282976_d.html )

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Extended Reading

Home of the Brave quotes

  • Will Marsh: Buck Fush? Buck you, you son of a bitch.

  • Police Sergeant: Been in there for about an hour. Kept asking for you.