Recommended school to watch

Suzanne 2022-08-17 22:20:23

A great movie, because this personality is so scarce in the society where I live, and the opposite is so powerful that it reflects its dazzling charm. The ending of the movie finally gave us a glimmer of hope. While criticizing the reality, it is not out of the ordinary and the expression is also very simple and in place. I remember that when I was young, the school film was always nothing more than * Dao Zhan, Lei Zhan, Secretary Jiao, Mao Taizu, Grandpa Zhou, and Brother Lei. These are all very good works. Although the technique is a bit surreal, some of these films I am second. I watched it ten years ago, and then I was pleasantly surprised to find that now the school’s private room still takes children to watch these movies. It is necessary to continue the revolutionary fire. I talked about it with my mother who taught in elementary school. She said she watched it the same way when she was a child. Yes, your baby has been watching it for a few years, and my mother has been watching it for 40 years. The recommendation of excellent works like this film that is so thought-provoking, stimulates students’ imagination, and improves the moral cultivation of teenagers is also shown to students. The Chinese translation can be called "American Version of Yang Jia Biography". The difference is that Ive always wanted to use a rational method to fight. , The dialogue between the female reporter and Ive in the film best reflects Ive’s principles of dealing with people: Female: What do you pursue in this life? Ive: Truth. It has to give me an explanation for everything. Woman: If there is nothing to say at all? Ive: If you don't give me an explanation, I will give you an explanation.

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Red quotes

  • Mrs. McCormack: Why are you doing this to us?

    Avery Ludlow: I don't mean any disrespect, but I'm afraid you've got that wrong, ma'am. About who's done what to who.

  • Danny: You're fucking crazy.

    Avery Ludlow: In that case, you better do as I tell you, hadn't you?