The bad guys should live in pain

Hermina 2022-08-17 15:59:00

The bad guys should be alive

let him enjoy the rest of his life suffering

inIn this movie, this may be my biggest feeling. The

anger has reached a certain limit. The

best revenge

should not be destruction.

Perhaps it is one of the best movies I have ever seen.

From the anger

at the beginning to the sneer at the end. the murderer is still alive

I do not know what I went through tonight

revenge journey of an old man for a dog?

watching too much gratuitous murder on film

is far from gratuitous to kill a dog of this movie makes my heart shock

shock to

I'll need to see the scenes to make me believe this is just a movie

but it does more than just movies

, said the footage

it on redemption

of personal salvation

and perhaps a sense

people are just as good as a dog

is a

man as a dog

and finally

if anyone Doing the same thing to my dog

shouldn’t have this movie at all

because I’ll rush up and

tear him up with my mouth!!!!!!!!


tear him up! Kill him! Piece after piece !

PS: All my friends, I recommend you to watch this movie. All.

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Red quotes

  • Mrs. McCormack: Why are you doing this to us?

    Avery Ludlow: I don't mean any disrespect, but I'm afraid you've got that wrong, ma'am. About who's done what to who.

  • Danny: You're fucking crazy.

    Avery Ludlow: In that case, you better do as I tell you, hadn't you?