It's really thunderous...

Adolphus 2022-05-06 06:01:11

After watching the whole movie, I came back to my senses in a daze. The whole movie has nothing to do with its name, 100 feet. The film is full of loopholes, ridiculous pictures and ridiculous words from beginning to end... Crash, sigh, now the ghost can be so powerful, not only can directly hit people, but also can be beaten... But at the end of the film, the heroine can't hit the ghost again. Suddenly, I feel that the contradiction is so powerful... …The

most terrible thing is…have a one-night stand with the heroine, and the little boy who was killed the next morning is either stupid, or lustful, and died miserably... The playboy in "Gossip Girl" plays... I can’t do it even more... The

advice is: don’t watch what you don’t watch, don’t remember what you watch, forget what you remember, you can’t forget... Uh, let's watch something more thunderous

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