Seeing the tears on his face, but I don’t know

Tiana 2022-01-19 08:02:14

I first saw this film in 2002 at HBO ASIA. In a month, this HBO self-made movie has been broadcasted six or seven times. The first time I saw it was about 11 o’clock in the evening, I was curled up on the big sofa in the dormitory, several roommates were asleep, and the dim spotlights were still on. This kind of environment is easy for people to calm down and appreciate. The so-called "art film".

I am deeply obsessed with Emma Thompson's standard London accent. Compared with the accents of several other American actors, it adds a bit of elegance and nobility. I have to admire HBO's Chinese translators, who translated the lines very accurately, and John Donne's poems were also translated in half-literal and half-white translations, beautifully. . .

In the last part of Vivian's death, he could barely breathe. When the music played, he realized that he was already full of tears. . .

The music , seems to be a dubbed version of German or something, only listening to music. .

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Wit quotes

  • Vivian Bearing: After all, brevity is the soul of wit.

  • Vivian Bearing: I trust this will have a soporific effect.

    Susie Monahan: I don't know about that, but it sure does make you sleepy.

    Vivian Bearing: [laughing]

    Susie Monahan: What's so funny? What? What?

    Vivian Bearing: [laughing] Soporific means "makes you sleepy".