Hardcore but seems flawed

Kody 2022-11-13 10:42:16

Hardcore means that there is no military knowledge, and there is probably no point of interest.

First, communications, command, coordinated operations, tactical deployment, and supply support performed well. The outstanding performance of artillery is very good, and it should be in line with reality.

The most uncomfortable thing is that the Vietnamese army has almost no tactics at all, and they all charge mindlessly. Although there were also interspersed outflanks and machine gun fire to move the flanks, they were all knocked out by the Australian army, but what was left seemed to be a plot to charge a sea of ​​people without brains, and it felt incredible.

And there is no use of grenades and mortars on both sides, which feels very strange.

Also, the plot of the Australian army resisting orders and directly confronting a higher-level commander is really incredible.

As for other comments that ak headshots can't be just a point problem, I don't think the problem is big, after all, if half of your head is lost, there are many places in this movie that should not be seen.

Finally, there is no copyright in the country to watch. The occasional interruption of the loading of pirated websites in online playback is really painful. Also, my face is blind, and there are few people who are, and the plot is relatively unimpressed.

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Extended Reading

Danger Close quotes

  • Major Harry Smith: There's a thousand ways to die in a war zone.