Galaxy Team-the difference between citizens and civilians

Clarissa 2021-10-20 17:23:14

As for Paul’s work, I know most about "Instinct" and "Showgirls". The director who has gone from sex to Hollywood has displayed pornographic culture well on the screen. Until now, although Sharon Stone It's getting old, but its sexy and mature charm is still unforgettable.
"Starship Team" was also written by Paul. Except for a sex scene with men and women in the same bath and a sex scene, I can hardly find the kind of shots that stimulate your senses. But it was this work that gave the author a newer understanding of Paul. To be precise, this is the second time I have watched this film. The original feeling of enmity and enmity has faded away, and it is replaced by the violent core of the film.
At first glance, this film is an ordinary science fiction film. Although the alien worms are made to be realistic and the scenes are relatively grand, it seems that it cannot get rid of its status as a second-rate science fiction film. But in my opinion, this is an epic film. In many cases, its performance is underestimated.
The beginning of the film is a news report, and this kind of report also runs through the film. When we look closely at these reports, we will find that whether it is telling the battle, mobilizing to join the army, or even street news, there is only one core, and that is violence.
The violence of the film is obvious.
The simplest comes from the war between humans and alien insects. This is very important. When we thought that in that era, all wars would be as simple as a button, the director told us that this was wrong, so we saw the helplessness of human guns against insects, and almost All scenes of melee. Insects are powerful, and their sharp-toothed legs and feet are all deeply imprinted with cold weapons, and the hot weapons in human hands definitely do not take advantage of any advantage. As a result, almost all the dead bodies we saw lacked arms or legs, and no one was perfect. In the film, the instructor’s throwing knife answers the question about hot and cold weapons, that is, cutting off the fingers of humans to operate buttons, but unfortunately, this fate is immediately staged in the plot of the story. At this time, the director raised extreme doubts about the hot weapon.
Hot and cold weapons may only be the most superficial things, and the more in-depth is the difference between citizens and civilians. When the teacher asked the male protagonist about the difference between citizens and civilians in class, the male protagonist made the distinction extremely clear as an endorsement, but he was completely unclear about the next question. As a result, the distinction between citizens and civilians has become a concept of enlightenment, so joining the army has become a civic consciousness. When we see a sense of joining the army that is strongly promoted in the news, we will find that war and violence are the fundamental will of our human beings, and perhaps this has nothing to do with those insects. It was the teacher who pointedly pointed out that only violence is the strongest rule, and democracy has been lost. Therefore, we can even understand that if we control violence, we will become citizens, and we can only become civilians without the power of violence. In the news, the children trampled on the insects on the ground unscrupulously. It is a defensive move, or a violent citizenship instilled by urinating. As a result, we began to use violence to fight back against the aggression from aliens. But can violence really solve the problem? The answer is no. When the specific death statistics are in front of us, we know that violence is just a sacrifice.
The biggest reason why violence becomes a victim is the violence itself, the obsession with violence and the blind confidence in violence. Human self-confidence is also one of the questions the director questioned. In the beginning, human beings blindly attacked the enemy's nest, so they paid a painful price accordingly. Those high-spirited fighters were killed by the mistakes of the upper class, and paid the price of self-confidence. When the alliance commander was replaced, the blind confidence still existed, but fortunately, humans began to reflect on themselves, so they fell into the bureaucratic style that human society must have, and the debate between the two researchers seemed so ridiculous.
Self-confidence caused failure, but the new leader did not lose the power of violence because of this. It did play a strategic role, but it also sacrificed the lives of these young people violently. As a result, that kind of vigor has become a necessary condition of sacrifice. When our protagonist becomes the protagonist in the news at the end of the film, we know that this advocacy of violence has not ended. In the advocacy, recruits became veterans and students became recruits, and they were all powerful citizens. The sense of power is ready to come out.
In this process, our protagonist has changed from a bloody boy to a real warrior, even a hero in propaganda. Their growth represents the continuation of violence. Love quickly loses its due charm in the violence. Except for the ten-minute extension, which can show some humanity, it is nothing, and the death fate of one of the lovers is even more obvious. The strength of violence has nothing to do with hatred. When the man and woman bathing was talked about by the author, who could understand the murderous side of humanity?
The earth has been unified, but the war of mankind has not changed in any way.
Did the aliens invade us or because of our brutal force, we have attracted new enemies. Violence makes us a righteous citizen hero who defends our homeland, but it also makes us a machine, vigorous, living under hatred and ideas. Machine, so what is the difference between us and that bug?
Paul has painstakingly used such a science fiction film to package his thoughts on human beings' strong self-awareness and violent thinking, but the film and television effects of the bloodline may make the director himself lose his true direction, so we watch There is no answer, maybe this is also true. Questions without answering, who can and who has the power to answer?

Han Xi in Tongzhou

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Starship Troopers quotes

  • Sky Marshal Dienes: We must meet this threat with our courage, our valor, indeed with our very lives to ensure that human civilization, not insect, dominates this galaxy *now and always*!

  • Carl: We thought there might be a Brain Bug on 'P'.

    Carmen: You knew and still you sent them?

    Carl: We couldn't afford to launch an operation if there wasn't one.

    [both Carmen and Johnny look at Carl with contempt]

    Carl: You disapprove? Well, too bad! We're in this war for the species, boys and girls. It's simple numbers. They have more. And every day I have to make decisions that send hundreds of people like you to their deaths.

    Johnny Rico: Didn't they tell you, Colonel? That's what the Mobile Infantry is good for.