Fighting and killing all the way, the handsome face will always be wounded

Kristofer 2022-12-04 09:11:50

Killing and killing all the way The handsome face will always be wounded. A trip in the name of the father. Wayne burned the past, seemingly violent, but actually a simple and gentle little wolf. He would put on a goofy pink suit for the person he liked. Silly dance, when he first started to feel his mother's love, he was abandoned again, choked and said that sentence, don't call me that again, he is just a 16-year-old child

PS Wayne is really getting more and more handsome. Del is kind and warm. Although her mouth is full of swear words, she will also be vulnerable. She promised her father will not cry, so she sank in the swimming pool so that no one can see her tears. The two boys confessed when they first met. Let that cool girl fight against the world with him without hesitation. Two people who lack love. Two lonely souls warm each other in the morgue on this road. Heart-warming kisses. The licorice candy bought for her when she had nothing. Three cups of coffee, Del, when he pricked the blood bag, Wayne was eating biscuits with a sweet smile on his face, the initial confession turned out to be a long-planned secret love. From the initial silent care to now, he has left with you for many years. This reversal is really romantic, no one will suddenly like you, it’s just that you just knew it

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