If you were born in a paradise~~~

Hayden 2022-01-18 08:02:47

The Chinese translation of this film is "The Love Song of Jack and Rose". The cover introduction is not like it because it is a little bit cryptic. It plays the father's pedophilia and incest, because I know this is a good film that touches people's inner softness. So I was not scared by this introduction. I searched on the web and found an introduction with a more accurate and pertinent description (see the above story).

The footage of the film is really as mentioned in the introduction. It has a DV feel. The jump of the picture is not limited to the form, but it is very detailed. It fully presents the feeling of the island’s outdoor Taoyuan before my eyes. Under such a dark night sky, so A place full of natural scenery, the visual impact brought by the green and red and yellow flowers full of the screen is very shocking. When the film was first released, I was a little skeptical and nervous, because I was completely unprepared for the plot of the story and the effect it would achieve, and I didn't know the ending and dared to guess like living my own life.
Jack and Rose are a father and daughter, with the same blood flowing with the same dreams. Rose’s mother left them when she was five years old and left the community she and Jack co-founded (I learned from other blog pages http://fengs828.bokee.com/2799909.htmlI saw it called Utopia Commune. I haven’t figured out what it means. According to my own guess, the island was originally uninhabited and the land was purchased privately. Then the owners of the land created a living community together. That's it). Rose and Jack live on each other and live on this undisturbed island. Jack is an environmentalist. He firmly opposes the development of the island. There is no modern living furniture such as a TV in the cabin where they live. It's all made of wood. Rose is like a princess living in a fairy tale, like growing up in another world without any secular influence. Everything is like the life that everyone dreams of, carefree. But all this beautiful and innocent life changed after Jack learned that he was seriously ill. What Jack worries about is how Rose will live and integrate into this filthy world that he has never set foot in when he passes away. So he wanted to change and let Rose slowly adapt to living with outsiders. He invited his ex-girlfriend and her sons to live together in his hut.
Rose's original peaceful life was broken by a sudden intruder, she showed extreme resistance, like a little girl's willfulness, she defended her original possessions. She caused many accidents and even gave her virginity to demonstrate to Jack. When the white sheets were flying in the sun, when JacK cried wildly and Rose hid behind the window and smiled triumphantly. She repeatedly caused trouble and ran away from home. In the end, Rose won, and Jack finally compromised to send his girlfriend and her sons away, and life returned to the original. But Jack's life was about to end. His only hope was that Rose would not commit suicide after he died. Although they understood that it would be meaningless to live without each other, Jack finally asked Rose to promise him to continue his life.
When Jack stopped breathing for the last time, the whole film reached its climax. Rose calmly picked a lot of beautiful flowers from outside the cabin, and put them on Jack’s body. She spread their photos from the bottom of the cabin to the second floor. Next to Jack’s bed, a whole road was recorded with vivid pictures. The road was filled with gasoline. Rose used a cotton rope to guide an alcohol lamp, and she lay down calmly. Jack's cold body gently pulled the cotton rope, and the fire slowly burned along the photo onto the bed where the two were lying. In an instant, the hut where I used to live together was submerged in fire and smoke... At this point in the story, I couldn’t cry anymore. When I thought it was over, the picture cut to the smoke-bearing window of the hut. Rose started from The window popped out... The
last shot stayed in the scene where Rose was planting potted plants in the community. Her face no longer had the young girl's green and willfulness, and some had only a quiet and beautiful smile, and the sun was so bright...

It's been a long time since I told a story so long and patiently, because it's really a good film. After reading the story, I dare not make random comments about Jack and Rose’s love, whether it is the daughter’s attachment to the father and the father’s love for the daughter, or the true mutual love. It’s hard to tell. I haven’t dared to make a conclusion after thinking about it for a long time. . But the only thing that can be said is that the relationship between them is very holy. I saw a comment on the webpage: “The father is the lover of his daughter’s previous life, and he follows this life in order to protect the person he loves. Who says this must not be true?”

Gradually I felt that a good film may not be famous, as long as There is a story, a picture or a piece of music that can touch the depths of the heart and seem to cause a little disturbance in the mind, it is already considered a good film. Not because the depth and level of expression of movies are declining, but because life is too rich now, and we are not able to easily touch the age when we can easily cry in our hearts. Our hearts are already too strong.

Highlights of the whole film (a turning point in the plot):
1. When Rose made a request to the first boy, the fat boy simply refused, and instead helped Rose cut his long hair. (After being nervous, there is a feeling of comfort, the president sighed, PS: This boy is very cute. He helped Rose cut a good haircut.)
2. When Rose hangs the white window that symbolizes virginity high on In the wind, Jack made a frantic crying expression, while Rose watched his father's reaction behind the window and laughed after revenge.
3. When Rose planned a weird party, the photos of his father and mother when they created the utopian community in the early days were repeatedly shown on the four walls with slides, watching his father cry madly.
4. When the boy who cut Rose's hair was before leaving, Rose said that she had done a lot of bad things. The boy said that it was because she was too innocent, and everyone was not innocent. (Here, I cried a lot.)
5. After Jack kissed Rose's lips, he jumped away from Rose's side like a criminal, surprised and dumbfounded.
6. When Rose calmly laid flowers and poured gasoline on it, and then gently lay beside Jack to light the fire, the sun shining into the whole room, golden.
7. The moment Rose jumped out of the smoky window, the sky was still blue as it was at the beginning of the film, and the outside of the house was still green with mountains.

With intermittent memory, I recalled the important plot of the film again, which was already very vague, and forgetting that it was my habit to recall after watching it was very difficult. The memory of the brain is really limited. The writing is also intermittent, and many words are indescribable just on the lips. It takes a long time to write a review, eloquent, and I don't bother to mutilate it anymore, it's all about memorizing a summary. After a long time, I realized that it was already 00:40 on November 26th, and it has been a long time since I wrote things in the early hours of the morning. It seems that I have returned to the age of studying. Finally, I was relieved to fall asleep after writing.

On 2006/11/24 12:06

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The Ballad of Jack and Rose quotes

  • Jack Slavin: You're getting freckles.

    Rose Slavin: No I've always had those.

  • Jack Slavin: Come live with me.

    Kathleen: What about my kids?

    Jack Slavin: That goes without saying.