Be Kind to All Things-After Viewing "The Taste of Chengsha"

Martina 2022-01-22 08:01:59

I used to watch the movie on the TV in the broken dormitory of the old unit, but I didn't seem to have finished watching it in 2020 and then watched the movie on the official account of today's headline commentary movie. The old man starring has also passed away. "Although I live with the mentality of living one day and one day less, but sometimes, I will still be overwhelmed by the malice of this world, so from time to time I have to use my wisdom to live." "This The world is warm, but there are always some people living on the edge of the world." "We were born to see and listen to the world with our own eyes, so even if we haven’t become any great people, we still have The meaning of living" "People are the same, they always encounter all kinds of difficulties, just like Mrs. De Jiang in the movie, and those marginalized people, although they have not become any great people, but They still live so hard, feel the world hard, listen to the world hard, warm others hard, and treat everything kindly. From Mrs. Dejiang, I see a kind of wisdom and relief, despite my misfortune, despite being hurt by the world, But she is still willing to release the greatest kindness and is willing to grow into a big tree that shelters others from wind and rain. I think it is because of their existence that the world will become warmer."

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.