Different gender perspectives, continued StarTrek core

Jose 2022-10-07 18:37:02

Before the broadcast, it was said that the animation of the bottom crew was in the same line as futurama, rick and morty, Simpsons and other animations, which made my expectations full. After all, these several dramas in question can be called adult animation dramas, and their brains are too big to catch up... I'm very curious about what kind of brains the new drama will have.

In addition, the lower-level crew undertook the StarTrek plot, and the st series was a drama that accompanied me when I grew up and almost shaped most of my ideas. All kinds of factors are superimposed, and you can’t look at people o(*////▽////*)q

Speaking of this drama, after watching it, I feel that the content is very restrained (compared to R&M, etc.), and the plot is not an adult brain-burning plot that pursues crazy reversals and reversals. Instead, the story is developed based on a kind of order and tenderness. The core is curiosity about the universe, technology, and unknown things, maintaining the happiness of the true self, and mutual understanding among crew members. Although it is very family friendly and suitable for children to watch, the light bureaucratic atmosphere pervaded in the play makes me, a grown-up social animal, find it both interesting and realistic.

The best thing about all the st series is that it makes the audience feel that human beings may indeed have the future described in the play, abandon racial and gender stereotypes, understand each other, and work together for curiosity and for exploring the universe.

It's not that the smoky miasma sprays each other on the Internet for the sake of trivialities, ignores the disease and the people's suffering for self-interest, launches wars, and drags down each other to confront each other...

In this fall, this drama makes me especially happy.

In addition, the biggest feature of this play is the portrayal of gender roles in the play. On the surface, it seems that this play has inherited StarTrek's usual family spirit, and is not so similar to the previous works of the screenwriter. But the rebellious spirit of the screenwriter is actually hidden in the portrayal of gender roles, especially in the gender perspective in the play: that is, a completely anti-traditional gender perspective.

In fact, in Orwell and Discovery, the ST series has many attempts in terms of gender perspective and gender stereotypes, especially in Discovery, which depicts the authority, arrogance, and stubbornness that are not assigned to female characters in traditional film and television. , Cold and hard personality.

The portrayal of the character's gender and personality is more interesting in this movie.

Aggressive, dislike books, regard scars as medals, have high self-awareness, pursue freedom, like breaking rules, rebelling against authority, and having problems with the parent-child relationship with the mother (the male protagonist and the father in traditional film and television). Such a personality is found in traditional film and television. All will be assigned to the male protagonist. But in this play, these character sets belong to the female protagonist. She is very talented, aggressive, big-hearted, unwilling to upgrade, hates the bureaucracy and wants to explore freely, but also hides the kindness of willing to help others. It sounds like a male protagonist (especially in traditional film and television).

At the same time, the male protagonist's personality is: love the rules, good grades, a little know-it-all, traditionally a good student, kind, and a little weak. This kind of personality is especially assigned to the female (second) protagonist. Just to cite an example, Miss "Master" who loves order and good book grades is a lot of money in various movies and TV series.

The characters of the supporting characters are also very interesting. The medical and engineering science teams, one male and one female, are all logical characters, but compared to other science teams such as SHIELD, the gender awareness of these two roles is thinner, and there is no violation of changing genders. Sense of harmony.

Other supporting roles, including the female captain (similar to Discovery), the first officer with a very high force value, the grumpy medical cat, etc., in fact, there is no violation of gender changing.

So far, the relationship on board is pure friendship, and the two protagonists are also friendship (there may be a little inexplicable family relationship). It's great, isn't companionship much better than love?

Such a gender perspective is a rebellion against gender stereotypes. Regardless of gender, first of all, it is a "person", a person with its own unique personality, not a stereotype. Both women and men can be arrogant, cold, ego, soft, kind, and considerate.

From the perspective of psychological theory, the stereotype is that human beings are under the pressure of survival in the course of evolution. In order to save cognitive resources and use more food to obtain food, the cognitive conditioning formed thereby has the advantage that the classification of objects can be made quickly. The disadvantage of the reaction is that the formation of stereotypes in turn restricts the perception of the outside world and the positioning of oneself. As the pressure of survival continues to decrease and human beings continue to evolve, we should abandon stereotypes, an ancient tool that is no longer beneficial to survival but limits ourselves. After all, our psychological cognitive resources are also evolving, and we gradually regard others and ourselves as unique The individual to recognize, this is also the meaning of evolution and as a human being.

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