From faint blue to azure blue

Raphaelle 2022-09-20 04:50:40

That is the sail of freedom

Stockholm-from faint blue to azure blue

On August 23, 1973, two criminals with previous convictions, JanErik Olsson and Clark Olofsson, kidnapped four bank employees after attempting to rob the largest bank in the Swedish capital Stockholm. After the police and the criminals stood in a stalemate for 130 hours, It ended because the gangster gave up. However, a few months after the incident, the four bank employees who were kidnapped still showed compassion for their kidnappers. They refused to accuse the kidnappers in court and even raised legal defense funds for them. Both indicated that they did not hate the gangsters, and expressed their gratitude to the gangsters for not hurting them but for taking care of them, and took a hostile attitude towards the police. What's more, Christian, a female employee of the hostages, fell in love with the robber Olofsson and was engaged to him while serving his sentence. The two bandits took hostages for six days, during which time they threatened the lives of the captives, but they sometimes showed a benevolent side. Under unexpected psychological changes, these four hostages resisted the government's efforts to rescue them.

This incident inspired social scientists to understand the emotional union between the abductor and the hostile, whether it was a special case of the Stockholm bank robbery, or whether this emotional union represented A general psychological reaction. Later studies showed that this incident, called "Stockholm Syndrome" by researchers, was surprisingly common. Researchers have found that examples of this syndrome can be seen in a variety of experiences, from prisoners in concentration camps, prisoners of war, battered women, and incest victims, all of which can experience Stockholm syndrome.

Experts conduct in-depth research: There is a fragile bottom line for the fear of human performance. When a person encounters a ferocious assassin who is unreasonable and wants to take his life at any time, the hostage will gradually entrust the right to life to the assassin. Time has dragged on for a long time. The hostage eats a mouthful of food and drank a mouthful of water. With every breath, he himself feels that it is the forbearance and compassion of the terrorists to him. For the thug who kidnapped him, his fear will first be transformed into gratitude to him, and then into a kind of worship. Finally, the hostage also subconsciously thinks that the safety of the thug is his own safety.

This weakness of succumbing to tyranny is called "Stockholm psychosis."

Regarding the interpretation of evolutionary psychology, the view of psychoanalysis, a newborn baby will form an emotional attachment with the closest powerful adult, in order to maximize the possibility of the surrounding adults so that he can at least survive (or become an ideal parent), this syndrome May be developed from this. Stockholm syndrome is an important example of role identification defense mechanisms.

People can be domesticated-Stockholm syndrome.

The above text comes from Baidu Encyclopedia: Stockholm Syndrome.

This film seems to be a renewed "polishing" or even "architecting" of this case. It very convincingly explains the causes and consequences of this symptom. Especially the ghostly Bob Dylan that runs through it, blends with the background of rock, folk, love and hope, rebellion and revolution in the 1970s, and this logical line is almost full of idealism and deconstructive deconstructionism. . I have to say that this is an excellent example of rewriting a bizarre kidnapping case into an adult fairy tale.

However, it is worth noting that despite the pressure of being criticized, the police and the government have even become the big bad wolf in fairy tales. The opposite of good and the symbol of indifference, stubbornness and unscrupulousness, but after all, their actions are in line with Of their identities, they finally resolved the crisis and achieved success. They seem to be stingy and cruel. Whether it is love, dreams, freedom, fairy tales, compassion and other positive human energies, they have no relationship with them. On the contrary, they have become positive energies praising the kidnappers. But it is undeniable that the kidnappers have disrupted everything, subverted everything, and restored order and peace. It is the government as the "villain".

The film wishfully takes the relationship between the kidnapper Hansen and the hostage Linde as the main line of the plot. In addition to the explanation of Baidu Baike, "freedom" has undoubtedly become the biggest motivation and promoter. Whether it is Hansen’s brotherhood, a Mustang car, a boat crossing the Baltic Sea... or the obvious mid-life crisis in the Linde family, the demise of love, all show that the background of the kidnapping case is a call for love and freedom. And the love between the kidnappers and the hostages that such a logical line gives birth to is inseparable. It seems logical. And the bluffing kidnapper Hansen's respect for life and contempt for sexual violence have once again proved that his madness has a bottom line, with a certain idealistic rationality and sobriety.

One side is revolutionaries and idealism, and the other side must be oppressors and rulers. The rescue plan of the police and the government exposed his indifference as a bureaucrat and his cunning and despicable means to achieve his goals. After finally understanding Hansen's "cowardice", their relentless closure and gas tactics finally forced Hansen to surrender. Unlike in the real event, the hostages are not married, in the film Linde has a seemingly happy family. After experiencing the life and death test of the kidnapping case, Lind, whose family was still alive and everything was restored, told Hansen in the prison that he was a survivor. The family, as the cell of society, seems to have become the opposite of revolution and freedom, with a hypocritical, repressive and unchanging color. Looking at the free lone sail under the golden sun of the Baltic Sea, perhaps Linde was sorry for this failed "escape". Survival in her mouth may not refer to the violence of the kidnapping, but from the deep attachment to this free revolution that was strangled by the world.

Therefore, when Dylan’s song sounded again, the atmosphere of the film became more and more immersed in melancholic blue. This was a failed escape and a stifled revolution. It is a longing and calling for love and freedom, dreams and hope. It re-stained this kidnapping case, which may not be the case, with a color that belongs to that passionate age, which deeply moved and sentimental to the viewer who likes to remember, and also obtained satisfaction. This case happened in Sweden, a place full of fairy tales, a place far from the center of the world. Perhaps it is precisely because of the wealth and remoteness there that this dark blue dream of free, violent, and revolutionary can still travel through nearly half of the world, still light and innocent, wandering like a beautiful ghost, And penetrate into the blue, distant and eternal sea horizon of the Baltic Sea.

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Stockholm quotes

  • Lars Nystrom: Do I look like a rapist?

  • Bianca Lind: If you let us go, we might live. If the police don't interfere, nobody will get hurt and we will survive. You can save our lives.

    Olof Palme: And the best way to do that is not to let them out on the roads with you.

    Bianca Lind: But we are willing to take that risk.

    Olof Palme: I wish that would make a difference, but, as Prime Minister, I'm responsible for all the Swedish people.

    Bianca Lind: Exactly. But all the Swedish people are not in here, we are trapped in here. We.