
Janiya 2022-12-18 05:01:57

2020-8-14 Mi Box

In 1973, Stockholm, Sweden, American Kaj Hansen wore a wig and a leather jacket and came to Sweden’s largest bank. He put a radio and a rope on the counter. Hansen asked all customers to go out and asked the female clerk Bian Kalinde to call police Mattson. Long TV reporter said this was the first hostage kidnapping case in Sweden. A policeman entered the bank with a gun and was shot by Hansen. The pistol came to Hansen to release the policeman. Sorensen

The sheriff brought Sorensen. Sorensen was also a bank robber and Hansen was a friend. The police mistakenly believed that they were both bank robbers. In fact, Hansen was the suspect in another case. Hansen’s name was actually not a real man. Sen once robbed an old lady's house. The old man suffered a heart attack. Hansen fed him medicine.

Hansen asked the police to provide the mustang cart with dollars, food, beer, Marlboro Linde’s husband, Elof, came to Linde to tell him how to cook for his children. The prime minister was not moved. Hansen did not kill the hostage. Sorensen went to the surveillance and discovered that the only male staff hostages were Lind and a man and a woman.

At night the criminals and the hostages went to the vault to sleep. The two criminals sang Hansen and took Linde to call her husband. The reporter called Linde. Linde said that he did not believe that the police and the prime minister would connect to the phone and told Linde that he would not compromise with the criminals.

Hansen went to Linde alone and told Linde to let her put on her body armor and pretend to kill her. Then the criminals took the hostages away. Linde could be picked up by the police.

Hansen led Linde with the police and the sheriff knew Hansen’s true identity, saying that he was weak and would not shoot. Hansen was furious and shot the police and Hansen. De Awakens

The police put down the microphone from the vent. The criminal and the hostage pretended to chat. Linde needed painkillers and ice. The Sheriff sent Sorenson alone. The Food Sheriff called Sorenson out. Sorenson had negotiated with the police before, but Lawrenson didn’t know at the time. It was Sheriff Hansen who took the opportunity to lock the vault door. The criminal found that the sheriff only brought ice cubes.

The sheriff asked the police to surround the vault and drill the ceiling upstairs. Hansen threw a grenade to the vent. The ceiling was opened. Hansen rushed up and shot and wounded a police officer. Hansen and Sorensen quarreled with each other. Linde raises a gun and Hansen lets her shoot and kills herself and she can go home. Linde didn't shoot. Hansen chatted with Linde.

The sheriff ordered the tear gas to be thrown down. Tear gas can make people stupid. Hansen was afraid that the sheriff knew that Hansen would not kill anymore and did not compromise. Linde made an idea to hang the hostage. Give up throwing tear gas and let the policeman open the door. The criminal, the hostage, put on a body armor. The sheriff tells Sorensen that the agreement is invalidated. From now on, he is also a criminal.

The criminal took the hostage into the car. The sheriff found that Hansen hadn’t taken the radio, so he put the gas to the vault. Linde couldn’t stand the cough and moved the tire. The police told the criminal to return to the bank. The corpse, the criminal and the hostage, returned to the vault. The sheriff ordered the release of Vas Sorenz, threatened to kill Lindhansen, shot Lawrence and surrendered

Three hostages escorted Hansen out of the vault. Hansen was arrested. Hansen was taken to prison. Linde went to visit his reception room, which looked like an apartment. Hansen said he would leave Sweden after he was released from prison.

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  • Lars Nystrom: Do I look like a rapist?

  • Bianca Lind: If you let us go, we might live. If the police don't interfere, nobody will get hurt and we will survive. You can save our lives.

    Olof Palme: And the best way to do that is not to let them out on the roads with you.

    Bianca Lind: But we are willing to take that risk.

    Olof Palme: I wish that would make a difference, but, as Prime Minister, I'm responsible for all the Swedish people.

    Bianca Lind: Exactly. But all the Swedish people are not in here, we are trapped in here. We.