Superman returns

Cleve 2021-10-20 17:23:04

Tuesday. Dating with my daughter to watch a movie together after work. Unexpectedly, it was the simultaneous premiere of "Superman Returns" in the country. Before the opening, I told Xiao Tian about the story of the first few episodes of "Superman" and also talked about Reeve.
It has been more than 20 years since I saw Superman in the 1980s. "Superman" is no longer a "character" of a movie, but a "superman ideal" of us (perhaps more Americans) has been achieved. It is a spiritual symbol or "amulet" of people.
Our "superhuman ideal" is helplessness in reality, Ah Q-style helplessness. It is the comfort when you are humiliated, the fantasy when you are trapped, and the pain relief when you are injured. So "Superman Returns" may be a call.
Warmth, justice, courage, firmness, demeanor, etc. Collective words about the sixties.
The storyline, without more changes and design, is still a cliché, and knows how to end from the beginning. It continues to be the war of right and wrong, disaster relief and so on. But the warm statement about love is another theme in the return of Superman. We have lived too long in an era that has nothing to do with love.
I told Xiao Tian to pay attention to the "symbolic language" of watching movies. There are too many symbolic meanings in terms of plot, language, scenes, music, and characters. This is an instructional film with a good understanding of film language.
The last line is Superman telling Louise "I'm right by your side", just like the ending scene of the famous Belgian play "Blue Bird", "Did you see my blue bird? She's right by your side". Very old-fashioned, very serious, very timeless, very classic. Because Superman returns.

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Superman Returns quotes

  • Kitty Kowalski: Your friends give me the creeps.

    Lex Luthor: Prison is a creepy place, Kitty, and one needs to make creepy friends in order to survive. On the inside, even my talents were worth less than a carton of cigarettes and a sharp piece of metal in your pocket.

  • Superman: I know lots of people are asking questions now that I'm back, and I think it's only fair that I answer... those people.

    Lois Lane: So... you're here for an interview?