I'll Never Do It Again

Domenic 2021-12-30 17:18:15

The Holi Festival is great! It turns out that India’s outsourcing culture is much earlier than China, but it is true that many domestic businesses are now outsourced to India. It can only be said that the flower growers are developing too fast~ ——2019-10-28

culture clash

The first half of the film is almost the fruit of laughter brought about by cultural differences. For example, in India, jumping on the train is required. For example, after getting off the train, you thought you were taking a taxi, but in fact it might be a rickshaw. For example, when you eat in India, you need to use your right hand because they think your left hand is dirty. The reason is that you should go and see for yourself, haha. For example, speaking in India is to raise a finger. For example, there is no McDonald’s in India, only McDonald’s. The latter part of the film introduces Indian culture. For example, they believe in the goddess of destruction, they believe that there will be a new reincarnation after destruction. For example, they believe that what is invisible to one pair of eyes can be seen with the third eye. For example, many married people only see each other on the day of their wedding.

Once you put your body down, you feel better

At McDonald's, Todd listened to the advice of foreigners who came to India earlier than himself and integrated into India earlier than himself. The transformation started from the Holi Festival. He no longer sees himself as an American different from India, but feels India with his heart. So he discovered that the boy who stole his phone was to put stickers on him representing the local culture. It turned out that Plow prepared foods that were helpful for digestion in his stomach when his face was bad. It turns out that life is more than work, family is also a very important part.

Business management

While Todd felt the Indian culture, he also gradually integrated into the new team. First, he is good at listening to the suggestions of his subordinates, so that his subordinates work in a pleasant atmosphere, and their efficiency has also been improved. Second, he is good at managing the team, using reward mechanisms to increase the passion of his subordinates; and he often praises his subordinates and enhances their confidence "Asha can do anything". Third, he was good at finding talents and saw Yasha's management skills; and through a street visit, he remembered the neighbor's electrician skills, and succeeded in reducing the average customer service time back to less than 6 minutes when the leaders came back.

Small talk

Sure enough, singing and dancing are the soul of Indian films. The speed of this movie is a bit too slow. So, what does the final ending of the film mean? Is Asha coming to America?

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Outsourced quotes

  • Asha: A holiday in Goa.

  • Purohit N. Virajnarianan: I'm Purohit Narsimacharaya Virajnarianan. But you can call me Puro.