Stockholm syndrome

Julius 2022-08-22 23:49:39

The formation of Stockholm syndrome requires 4 conditions:

1. The lives of hostages are threatened

2. The hostages are in a certain despair

3. The hostages are isolated from the outside world and can only accept information from the kidnappers

4. Get the favor of the kidnapper

When talking about Stockholm Syndrome, someone once made a metaphor: the devil came to the world, took people into hell, and made him suffer, but given him a little basic physical protection, he can sometimes live a "good life". I will have hallucinations, thinking that when I have arrived in heaven, the demon who caught him seems to have become an angel.

Pure hand fight.

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Stockholm quotes

  • Lars Nystrom: Do I look like a rapist?

  • Bianca Lind: If you let us go, we might live. If the police don't interfere, nobody will get hurt and we will survive. You can save our lives.

    Olof Palme: And the best way to do that is not to let them out on the roads with you.

    Bianca Lind: But we are willing to take that risk.

    Olof Palme: I wish that would make a difference, but, as Prime Minister, I'm responsible for all the Swedish people.

    Bianca Lind: Exactly. But all the Swedish people are not in here, we are trapped in here. We.