Distorted psychology in extreme environments-"Stockholm"

Jerrod 2022-08-22 17:55:16

Distorted psychology in extreme environments-"Stockholm"

Today we will introduce the American movie "Stockholm".

The title of the film is Stockholm (2018).

When it comes to "Stockholm", everyone's first reflection should be the capital and largest city of Sweden. Of course, there are the Stockholm Film Festival and the Stockholm Venue Music Festival. These are all iconic things that are inseparable from "Stockholm", but the most famous one is probably the "Stockholm Syndrome".

The name of this mental illness is inseparable from a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden. On August 23, 1973, two criminals with convictions, Jan Erik Olsson and Clark Olofsson, attempted to rob the largest bank in Stockholm. After the failed robbery, they took four bank employees as hostages.

The robbers confronted the police for 130 hours before giving up surrender. But what is strange is that a few months after the incident, the four bank employees who were held hostage still expressed sympathy for the robbers, and even refused to appear in court to accuse the robbers, and they also raised legal defense funds for the robbers.

Interestingly, the four hostages expressed that they did not hate the robbers, but remained hostile to the police who rescued them. Even one of the female staff members fell in love with the robber Olo fsson and became engaged to him while serving his sentence.

This strange thing has aroused the interest of sociologists and psychologists. After conducting research, they found that this kind of psychological phenomenon is not an isolated case, but a psychological reaction that exists universally in human society. With the deepening of research, scholars call it "Stockholm syndrome".

This film restores the psychological change process of the people in this bank robbery, and allows the audience to further understand the "road to fame" of this famous psychological reaction.

Studies have shown that the occurrence of "Stockholm Syndrome" must have four conditions: complete control of the victim’s freedom of movement, cut off the victim’s communication with the outside world, convince the victim that they have the right to life and kill, and occasionally impose on the victim. Little favors and small benefits.

The two robbers who robbed the bank may not be masters of psychological warfare, but happened to meet these four requirements at the same time, so the four hostages became patients with Stockholm syndrome and developed incomprehensible feelings for the robbers.

For individuals, when the victim encounters the perpetrator, the right to life is completely controlled by the other party due to the disparity in strength.

The victim's every move is completely the victim. Over time, the most basic thing to guarantee survival will be regarded as the charity of the victim. The victims will slowly be grateful to the perpetrators, and even feel that the perpetrators are tolerant and compassionate, and gradually turn into protecting the perpetrators, and they feel that only the perpetrators have their own safety.

When the victim succumbs to the tyranny helplessly, that is, when he suffers from the "Stockholm Syndrome".

For extreme individuals, Stockholm syndrome proves that people can be domesticated.

If the perspective is enlarged, the same applies to a group and a class, and the individual Stockholm syndrome rises to a power trick.

If you change the perspective, the domestication of different races can also be described by Stockholm syndrome. The process of taming wild horses and falcons seems to have the ultimate goal of destroying the psychology of prey.

Those who want to understand "Stockholm Syndrome" may wish to watch this film. The film filmed the development process of the bank robbery in 1973, focusing on the psychological changes of the characters.

In this process, the hostages experienced four processes: fear, fear, sympathy, and help.

At first they were terrified of the sudden bank robbery, and the accident happened to them suddenly, and everyone was panicked; then they saw the robber's fierceness and in an insecure environment, they were very scared; Then after the robbers showed their true temperament, the hostages felt that the robbers were not so wicked. The robbers even fought for the hostages’ survival and even had the possibility of making friends. The hostages slowly began to sympathize with the robbers; The hostages began to help the robbers spontaneously, such as helping to escape and fighting the police.

In fact, it is not difficult to crack the Stockholm syndrome, as long as you are not afraid of death. He was willing to smash the emperor off his horse, let alone paper tiger criminals.

Whether you want to die without getting sick, or to live after getting sick, this seems to be a problem.

Extreme environments distort psychology,

After all, it's better to die than to live.

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Stockholm quotes

  • Lars Nystrom: Do I look like a rapist?

  • Bianca Lind: If you let us go, we might live. If the police don't interfere, nobody will get hurt and we will survive. You can save our lives.

    Olof Palme: And the best way to do that is not to let them out on the roads with you.

    Bianca Lind: But we are willing to take that risk.

    Olof Palme: I wish that would make a difference, but, as Prime Minister, I'm responsible for all the Swedish people.

    Bianca Lind: Exactly. But all the Swedish people are not in here, we are trapped in here. We.