Is Utopia a tomb or a paradise?

Clarissa 2022-01-18 08:02:47

A father and daughter live in a wooden house far from the mortal world. This is a pure area built by the father for his daughter. Outside the house is the flowers planted by the daughter, and a large green grass surrounds their hut. They make energy and grow their own vegetables. The father is a man. A pure environmentalist, he hates those seemingly gorgeous community houses built of plastic panels. He wants to create a paradise with his own power, and his daughter is an angel to him. They love each other so much more than family A little bit more.
But the father was sick, and he finally couldn't worry about his little daughter. So she invited her old lover to live together on this island, and her girlfriend also brought her two sons. The peaceful world of girls. It seemed that a cut was suddenly cut. The storm and rain on the eve of their arrival even destroyed the girl's small tree house. The girl suddenly felt that her life was about to collapse. His father said he just wanted her to get in touch with more people.
The girl is silent and shy. She only likes to be so quiet with her father, wearing a long white cotton skirt and walking with her father, planting flowers, reading books and chatting. But now everything has changed. Suddenly, there are so many more people among them. Seeing her father and his girlfriend being intimate, she eagerly hopes that she will grow up soon. The woman's eldest son did not agree to her absurd request, but helped her cut off her long hair. The girl grinned, and she was smiling like a flower , Turned around and picked up his father's shotgun and approached his father's room. The father pushed his daughter into her own room, looked at her face, and laughed as well. He thought she was just joking.
The woman’s young son came to the girl’s room at night, and the girl stretched out her hand to let the boy turn himself into an adult. Looking at the bed sheet with a puddle of blood, she laughed and danced again. She is rarely so happy. In the clear sky, even the white clouds have various shapes, with a little red white sheet fluttering gently in the breeze, and the sun is shining on its face. When my father saw it, he knew that this was not the result he wanted, and everything seemed to have lost control. The woman over there screamed hysterically, and the girl let go of a copper-spotted viper and wanted to murder the woman again.
What happened has made the man exhausted. The girl kept the old stories in the empty tree house. The young father, the living mother, the young and ignorant self, the father was crying, everything was like a dream, little The son tried to kiss the girl, but the father blocked him, but the girl fumbled and pushed the boy out of the tree house. Parting, the eldest son said to the girl: You are innocent, but innocent people are dangerous. Come with us. The girl looked back at the father sitting in the car and said: I can’t leave him alone. The girl knows He couldn't go back to the past, he also knew that his father was actually scared.
The father finally kissed his daughter. He cried and asked her daughter to forgive him. He felt uneasy for what he had done. The next day the man went to the real estate agent's house and agreed to sell his land. He knew that he was ultimately unable to protect this pure land for his little daughter. When he returned home and lay on the bed, he said that he was going to sleep. He was too tired. Before going to bed, he stroked his daughter's face and said: "Forgive me" This is the last word he said to the girl. The
girl is not sad, at the door of the house. I picked the flowers they planted together and placed them around the man, and filled the room with the photos she took. The moment she lit the room, she also hugged her father tightly for the last time, and she let the father create this piece of work. His utopia left the world with him. At the
end of the film, the girl grows up and still grows the flowers she loves, but it is no longer in the wilderness. I think the girl finally begins to adapt to this world outside of her father.

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The Ballad of Jack and Rose quotes

  • Jack Slavin: You're getting freckles.

    Rose Slavin: No I've always had those.

  • Jack Slavin: Come live with me.

    Kathleen: What about my kids?

    Jack Slavin: That goes without saying.