Lebanon war: inner conflict of tank soldiers

Dariana 2022-01-19 08:02:50

The film "Lebanon" is a film about the Lebanese civil war adapted from his personal experience by Israeli film director Samuel Maoz. The filming scope of this film is limited to a small enclosed space inside the tank. Through the unique perspective of the tank scope, it depicts four young Israeli tankers with no combat experience facing the bloody massacre. The contradictions, panic, and fear experienced during the period. This film won the 2009 Venice Golden Lion Award. Through this film, I learned more about the Christian Maronites, Sunni, Shiites, Syria, Palestine, Israel and other complex conflicts of interest behind the civil war in Lebanon. The war brought to the people in this region. suffering. I have met several classmates from Lebanon at PCC, and their English is very good. Many of their family and friends are still in Lebanon, and I can feel their sadness and pain during the conversation.

Attachment: The poet Gibran is also a Lebanese and was born in a Christian Maronite family.

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