The theme of the horror film "Pat Li De"

Daniela 2022-08-20 14:08:14

Generally, horror movies have a theme, and as the plot develops, it finally reveals some thematic things and some truths about human nature. The same goes for "Pai Li De". The plot develops to the back. The mother of the original heroine of the camera and the sheriff tell two stories to reveal, but the stories told by these two people are completely different. The stories told by these two people must be true and false. To understand who told the story is true, it also understands the theme of this horror film.

For the convenience of introduction, we referred to the original heroine of the camera as "daughter", her mother as "mother", and her father as "dad". After his death, his father turned into a scary shadow and angry in the photo. monster. The story told by my mother was relatively complete, telling that her daughter had suffered some unbearable things, and her classmates took photos of her to spread around, leading to suicide and causing her husband to lose control and revenge. The story told by the sheriff was hurried and brief. He told that his father was a pervert who abused or sexually assaulted his daughter for a long time, and took photos. They got the photos in order to understand and rescue their classmates. Dad kidnapped and killed them in order to prevent things from failing. , And his daughter committed suicide because of guilt.

In the film, apart from the daddy who has turned into a monster, the second horrible image is the mother, an old woman with a haggard and haggard face. Examining the story of her mother’s appearance again, you will find that this old woman couldn’t hide the sadness on her face when she saw her daughter’s favorite camera. After she opened the door and entered her house, she entered her daughter’s room. There are pictures of her daughter on the table. When she began to talk about her daughter, she could see how proud she was when she had a daughter. She said that her daughter was the most beautiful girl, even if according to her statement, her daughter had autism. She used the word "husband" when talking about her father, even though she had become a perverted murderer, a terrifying monster in the photo. Regardless of whether the story she tells is true or false, at least it can be seen that the mother's feelings for her daughter should be in line with the performance of a normal mother, and the understanding of her husband's terrorist behavior is the most important point. Secondly, the thing that worries my mother is that one of the murderers who harmed her daughter is still alive and has always kept a picture of this murderer when he was young.

Look again, the story told by the sheriff. The sheriff first said that it was the photo taken by her father, and then immediately said, "We took the photo to collect evidence." If you are a little more careful, you will find that the photos taken by the sheriff to collect evidence and the photos taken by his father should all be photos of her daughter's suffering. When he told this story, the matching scene was still the scene when they invited their daughter. This place is full of loopholes. They want to take photos of Dad being abused at home, which is not easy to handle. On the other hand, since his father has taken the photo, they only need to get the police. Why do they take the photo? If the father is a pervert who abuses his daughter for a long time, and uses the camera he bought for his daughter to take pictures, then many problems will arise. First of all, the previous paragraph talked about the meticulous expression of the mother’s attitude towards her daughter when she appeared on the scene. The sheriff also talked about her mother’s resentment for her daughter’s suicide. It can be seen that mothers love their daughters for sure. Therefore, fathers abuse their daughters for a long time. The mother did not know, and the mother did not know in the end, otherwise, the mother would not have the photo of the sheriff when he was young. If mother doesn't know, how can classmates know? This is a big problem. Mom said that my daughter likes the camera my dad bought the most and keeps it with me for a long time. This is not consistent with my dad being a pervert and using that camera to take abusive photos. The sheriff said that her daughter committed suicide with guilt because her classmate was killed by her father, which is not logical. If a girl is abused by a perverted dad for a long time and can live normally, and her classmate is killed by a perverted dad, she will die of guilt? Another point is that before becoming a monster, Dad used to be a teacher, a teaching and educating identity. Imagine a man who has been behaving normally for a long time. He has taken college entrance exams, graduated, became a teacher, got married, and then gave birth to a daughter, then abused his daughter all the time, and bought the daughter her favorite. Camera, and then, the daughter ran around with her beloved camera, still in the camera bag there are photos of abuse by her father. . . . Therefore, the story told by the sheriff is full of loopholes and is false. Many people think that the story told by the sheriff is true, because the sheriff is dead and the monsters have not stopped killing. This is quite normal. Dad has already lost control and became a monster, and still expect him to be rational?

The story told by my mother is true, and everything becomes reasonable. Dad is a teacher, and he loves his daughter deeply. He buys her beloved gifts, which she also likes very much. Their family lived a happy life, but everything was destroyed by the "campus bullying" incident. Yes, the theme of this film is about "campus bullying". Her daughter was abused by a few classmates and took photos to spread insults, and then committed suicide. Her father turned from a normal person into an angry monster, and her mother was also tormented in hatred. To live, to live without a man or a ghost. Dad’s anger and mother’s hatred all stem from the deepest love of parents for their children, and how much they love their children, they hate bullies. Through the scary shadow in the film, can you think of him as a warm husband and a loving father?

Nowadays, there are often videos of campus bullying incidents on the Internet. Behind every campus bullying incident, there must be a pair of parents who are going crazy with anger. Be kind to the people around you and those you meet, and prevent them or their relatives from turning into angry monsters. Perhaps this is what the film wants to tell us. Thanks for reading!

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