Understanding of otherlife (personal understanding, please lightly spray if there is a difference)

Immanuel 2022-10-29 18:44:29

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I saw a movie recommendation on Douyin. It was actually a theme similar to Inception. I decided to take a look. However, I was shocked by the virtual movie name and the score of 6.5. After reading it, I think the English name otherlife is pretty good, or translated into rebirth is also pretty good. In addition, I personally feel that 6.5 is low, not as good as Inception, but it is logically clear and well-founded. The following is my understanding of the plot of otherlife:

1. The movie first started with a kaleidoscope eye scene, and then Ryan and his brother were at the beach (I learned later that this incident was what caused my brother's brain death to maintain his life in the hospital). This picture should be the simulation that Ryan made for his brother in order to save his brother, and experience it over and over again by herself (a lot of used packaging, there are also packaging that she used in the company and used in one place).

2. Then came the scene of Ryan’s defense at DA. This clip is interspersed with the entire movie. Many film critics say that this is the real world. I think this defense is just to introduce Ryan’s concept of making this product "to explore new ideas for everyone." Opportunities in life,” later introduced a different philosophy from partner Sam. The final result of the defense is approval. This should be before the countdown of the product launch time. Otherwise, it seems unreasonable that the product can be launched without approval.

3. Regarding whether Ryan's brother is brain-dead or vegetative, I think it is brain-dead. Ryan's father knew that brain death can only be survived by equipment, and it is useless to simulate how many brains are inactive. This is why Ryan's father has the right to give up the treatment of extubation, and this is why Ryan still agreed to let his brother let his brother die at the end. It was only at the beginning that Ryan didn't believe it. She thought that her father's patented technology could be used to repair his brother's brain and revive him. That's why I had a dispute with my father, and set up a company with this technology patent, insisting on doing private work to study the simulation of saving my brother. In fact, there are hints in the movie that Ryan improved the simulation of saving his brother as soon as he had time. When he went to the hospital to try it on his brother, it didn't work. Only one eye moved, but his father thought it was just a physical reaction that had nothing to do with the brain. After all, brain death . Judging from the film, the father should also be a brain science expert. It should be the professor who has also studied this technology. He is very sensible about the brain death of his son, but Ryan has never believed (of course it may be guilt, thinking that he said to play again Killed my brother, insisted on saving, as an exit from my heart).

4. Regarding the prison simulation, some film critics believed that it should be written in a program so that it could escape. My understanding is the same as that of many film reviews. The previous one is the program. After the program has a bug, it connects to the subconscious of the heroine, so I escaped. First of all, this simulation bug that there is no export has already appeared during the previous skiing, and Ryan also asked if he had tested the export program before entering the prison simulation. After the end of 365 days, she realized that there was a bug again on the first day. , But at this time the subconscious mind is already working. She has always thought it was Sam who dealt with her. As a result, she was able to find an exit to escape, as if she was kidnapped in reality, because the simulation would not have such a physical exit. of. From this point on, the entire simulation is no longer a program, it is subconscious. The movie also said that hallucinations and memory are chemical substances in the brain, and simulation is also because the chemical substances cause the brain tonic reaction, so I think it is reasonable to switch from the program to the subconscious. After escaping, everything was in line with Ryan’s hopes and proved to be subconscious (1, Ryan and Sam’s ideas were not in harmony. After the simulation accident, she just thought that Sam wanted to attribute the company to her own, so she escaped from prison. After that, it feels like Sam imprisoned her and launched the product to be at the pinnacle of life. 2. Simulating killing her boyfriend, Ryan actually hopes that he will not die, so in the subconscious her boyfriend is not dead yet, and helps her save her brother together. 3. Ryan I was at odds with my father and hoped that my father would support me, so subconsciously my father hugs her and supports her to save his brother. 4. Ryan hopes that the simulation he studied can save his brother, so subconsciously, the brother woke up first).

5. But the problem lies here. The younger brother woke up but lost consciousness again. The screen showed that he didn't want to live by himself and walked back to the sea. This is different from Ryan's expectations. Maybe this is actually a hint She knew subconsciously that her brother was brain-dead, and her brother could not come back, but she was guilty and insisted on saving. Especially the words of partner Sam, "I see brain dead patients make choices", this is really impossible. Sam then said, "With this drug, who wants to face the reality?" Only then did Ryan realize that he was in the simulation. In fact, many flaws show that this is still a simulation. If she is really framed by Sam, how did she get into the prison? Haven't hair and nails grown in one year? It’s not a simulation. How can the prison items and food be updated every day without being discovered by Ryan? Tossing patients in the hospital for so long and no one comes? Ryan finally realized that because of her obsession, she was completely willing to live in this subconsciously satisfying space, her boyfriend was not dead, father and daughter were in harmony, so many flaws did not distinguish between reality and simulation. With such a subconscious space, who wants to return to reality? This is completely opposite to the original intention of making products "to let people explore new lives". My father had already realized that so he gave up the research of this technology. Realizing clearly that his brother cannot be saved from brain death, and the huge risk of this simulation, just at this time, the real world was also getting injections to save people (because it showed that there was no export bug for more than 365 days), Ryan decided to quit the product and gave up saving his brother. , So the screen returns to the beach, and she walks to the ocean to wake up and return to reality. After waking up, she decided to withdraw from the company, and then agreed to the father's extermination and send her brother to die.

6. Regarding why Ryan can make simulations by willpower, but Sam can't. In fact, there are two times in the movie that Ryan is simulated without injections, one is skiing, and the other is forced to enter the prison simulation. I think first of all, Ryan does the program, knows the operation principle of this simulation, and has more experience in the simulation than anyone, so it can be manipulated. However, Sam was investing and seldom tested the simulation himself, so he couldn't simulate it in the end when he went to jail. He almost died and returned by injection. This is of course the second fatal risk of simulation. Except for Ryan, most people like Sam are completely unable to control this long-term simulation. Ryan's boyfriend died because of the long-term simulation written to his younger brother by mistake. Except for herself, almost everyone can control whether to enter the simulation or not. Even Ryan himself relies on injections when the prison simulation time is long (both skiing and the second prison time are only a few days).

In general, I think otherlife is still a good movie, and the logic seems to be smooth at the moment, and there are no particularly big flaws. The discussion of technology and human development is also a good interpretation. Of course, compared with movies like Inception, it still lacks some plot twists, but it is also a movie worth watching and analyzing.

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OtherLife quotes

  • Board Member: Now, this technology... We've read the literature, classification is proving difficult. Can you tell us how it differs from other controlled substances?

    Ren Amari: To begin with, it's not a drug. It's...

    Board Member: Biological software. You program new memories.

    Ren Amari: We create experiences. Indistinguishable from the real thing. As far as the brain is concerned, fantasy and reality are chemically identical.

  • Board Member: So there are risks.

    Ren Amari: Abuse of any substance is risky. Your brain is already firing billions of neurons a second. We're just giving them a script to follow. The software builds from fragments of your subconscious. It becomes part of you like any other memory. We tell you the story of a day, one day, where everything happens just the way it should. Perfect.

    Board Member: No chance of it lasting any longer?

    Ren Amari: None whatsoever.