Is this world still pure and straight now?

Lon 2022-05-06 06:01:08

Adding all kinds of subjective nonsense, nonsense is purely a personal point of view, don’t like it.

I noticed the official trailer of "Qialix" very early. What I was thinking at the time was: Like, wow! Will there really be movies with such themes? Forcibly bend a straight man?

Of course, in the 21st century that advocates diversity and inclusiveness and calls for equal rights for all minorities, we should not be surprised when we encounter various themes.

But when it comes to this movie, what really attracts me is that it poses a question worth pondering to the audience, especially teenagers in a period of confusion: How do you know you're straight?

Original: How do you know you're straight?

Maybe it's like what Dell questioned in the movie: Is there no one hundred percent straight in this world now? I think about how to answer it.

Original: Isn't there anyone plain straight any more?

The relatively straight ones still occupies the majority, which is beyond doubt. After all, traditional values ​​still dominate the trends of the entire society. When it comes to love, most people's first reaction is still that the opposite sex attracts each other, and the outline of the other half of the opposite sex will be drawn in their minds. But if it is 100% straight, then I think it may be rare under the rising trend of same-sex and other subcultures.

People will start to doubt, restraint, keep their distance, and be sensitive and cautious. Because non-mainstream but real emotions are put on the table, people re-examine the details and relationships that they would not have noticed in the past. For example, does the behavior of being overly intimate with the same sex belong to the category of homosexuality? I like to listen to a podcast . There is an issue of . It tells the story of a pair of young boys who were so intimacy that everyone thought they were a pair to the end. At least part of the reason is gay. The concept of is not cool was brought to the table. They weren't gay at first, but the rumors around them made them re-examine the innocuous relationship and make the relationship no longer pure. I don’t know what to do with them, but for some people, questions will be planted in their hearts: What is the deal of me?

I don’t know much about these proper terms. Maybe it’s pansexuality, or sexual mobility, or double, whatever. It is impossible to be absolute by nature, this is my point of view. It is just public opinion and trends that overthrew absolute opinion. As for whether the voice and rise of this minority group is so powerful that it affects the sexual purity of "straight" men and "straight" women, I cannot judge. I think, in fact, the so-called equal rights of sexuality, the meaning is very simple, it is very ordinary, not because of sex to like someone.

It suddenly occurred to me that there was an argument in "Ode to Joy" before. It was an argument between Andy and four other girls. The other four girls all agreed that "sex" was the only motive to bring affection. Only Andy thinks that it is because of people that they have feelings. It was at this moment that I had a good impression of Andy. Because, I think so too. I always don't think that the feelings that arise from reason, contact, and identification are a kind of love with a physical defect, or a feeling that cannot be called love. Really, I think that I will love because of a person, maybe there are many reasons such as looks, talents, etc., but I think it is purely because of hormones or "sex", I don't think it suits me.

Ode to Joy (2016)
2016 / Mainland China / Love Story / Kong Sheng Jian Chuan Xun / Liu Tao Jiang Xin

Maybe this is a good answer.

-Are you into vagina or dick?

Original:-I'm attracted to the person.

Of course Dell also comes with its own complaints...anyway...

Original: What the fuck that means?

If people are really attracted to sex and have emotions, I always feel that it is no different from animals. Since cognition has the ability to think better than other species, it should be because souls attract each other to produce emotions. Haha, back to the question of interesting souls and good-looking skins. In fact, they should all be important, but they vary from person to person, depending on which aspect accounts for the greater proportion. In the film, Dell also made a very interesting point. This view is somewhat at odds with his pure "straightness" theory. He said, man crush. It must be attracted by interesting souls, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman.

Original: A man crush on a gay guy

Of course, as far as the youth movie itself is concerned, bugs are normal. Why bother about the male protagonist’s sudden flashbacks, the missing toad, or the shortcomings of the three protagonists (I mean Dell, not Elliott) who are all flat characters? Since this is a movie that focuses on self-analysis, why not focus on the male protagonist's mental journey? To say that he is arrogant, egotistical or egoistic, it is also difficult for me to forgive him that Simon misplaced his friend's mandarin duck (of course I chose to forgive). What I want to say is, that is not the point. In addition to the hero's mental journey, the point worth mentioning is poor Claire.

Love you, Simon (2018)
2018 / United States / Comedy Romance Gay / Grieg Berrandi / Nick Robinson, Jennifer Garner

When I was chatting with a female friend L, she said to me that she was very afraid that she would find a gay in the future... People nowadays are too good at hiding themselves, and they will be tricked into marriage and become a shield for gays. I am actually silent, because indeed, this is a very serious problem. I can't even guarantee whether I am or not. I believe that many people are also groping in this way, and they may find a different version of themselves.

Also in the on the program, I heard the story of the same wives in the United States. Those gays who have become fathers have caused too much harm to the family. This makes me sigh again. In the self-proclaimed America that is tolerant and open, under the glorious coat of pride parades and political slogans of "Be yourself", I did not expect that there will still be many people who are unspeakable and forced by society. , The pressure of public opinion hurts others and tortured oneself. In this more conservative country, I don't want to think about it anymore. Because if I belong to a minority group, it will involve too many troubles and problems that I can't deal with now. After all, even my basic life is messed up now, so why bother.

Thanks to the director for giving Claire a beautiful shot at the end of the movie

Without an inclusive environment, how can the side effects caused by different sexual orientations be cured? When we are sexually equal, should we also consider most of the victims who are suffocated in the closed cultural atmosphere? Claire was miserably deceived. In order to serve the purpose of the movie, she gave up everything and fulfilled Alex's chic and adventurous; but at the same time, she was lucky. She basically did not pay much, so she escaped and became Doom of the same wife. However, real life is not a fairy tale movie. Whether it is domestic or foreign, there are still a large number of victims.

What is needed? On the one hand, people need to encourage people to try and understand themselves, not being pushed into the majority of society on the one hand; on the other hand, they need to have a more open and tolerant environment for others to allow such attempts. , And accept the occurrence of multiple possibilities. And it is the latter that can give greater positive feedback to the former and promote the good development of society. Therefore, equal rights will always be loud and vigorous. Silent resistance can hardly dissolve the mainstream values ​​of stubborn mainstream people.

At least, after watching "Love, Simon", I was simply attracted by the beauty of fairy tales and the young body, and after watching "Alex Strangelove", I had a closer understanding and plans for myself.

PS: I saw Dion Yorkie at the end of the film...Where is your sebb?? hhh

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Alex Strangelove quotes

  • Elliot: And the shitty thing is, guys like my dad, they're giving Jesus a bad name, okay? Because from all that I know, Jesus was amazing. I mean, I don't know, he helped out the poor and sick, okay, he loves you unconditionally...

    [Alex says yes with his head]

    Elliot: I just think all those kids with their WWJD wristbands need to ask themselves: What would Jesus actually do? Call me a "faggot loser"?

    Alex: Did your dad call you that?

    Elliot: It's not really worth getting into.

  • Helen: Being angry is an exhausting way to spend your day.