Really Like the part near the end when Alex and Claire talk in the car. Coming out is not going to be easy even today as long as people still feel the necessity to come out as gay or lesbian. Yes, it may come clear about being oneself. But gay or lesbian are people, people who have their loved ones. What if their loved ones don't think the way they do? Alex loves his girlfriend Claire as well as so many other friends and families. He's afraid of losing her as well as these so many others. Growing up knowing and feeling who you truly are is supposed to be a process that couldn't be more natural. But it's the education, the talk, the tradition, the many thoughts and'this is what people do, what people always do, what most people do' that makes it unnatural.
Like by so many other LGBT+ movies, one warning that this film tries to give is that stop caring people's feeling as you think you are, but sometimes you are not; instead you are just drowning people's objective world with your subjective ideas.
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