Love dies on the way back

Jamar 2022-01-18 08:01:21

This is the first time I have watched Bergman's film, and he himself is known for his high productivity, so it is difficult to talk about Bergman's image style as a whole, and I can only say a few words around this film. This film tells an ordinary and atypical love tragedy. The story itself has not much to be desolate, sad, and mourning. It is romantic enough but not classically accentuated. Faced with the motif "marriage is the grave of love", Bergman used a common routine, dividing the film into two parts: the ideal and beauty of love and the trivial and cruelty of marriage. But Bergman didn't fall into the ambiguity of the first two-phase comparison, which aroused the audience's sorrow. He undertook the sharp turn between the two to present it completely, and greatly cancelled the entanglement and pain of marriage and murder, love, but this did not affect the formation of a tragic ending in the slightest. why? Because tragedy has long been doomed, the dark gap between the characters of the two sides displayed in the passion of summer has formed an important plot line, and naturally it is no longer necessary to sing tragedy in polyphony and flow into abusive emotions. Monica is undoubtedly a typical. There are no lack of girls like Monica around us. You love her, sympathize with her, and dislike her, but she has always been so vivid. She has a rebellious personality but is heavily dependent; she is full of illusions about life and love, but she fears and shirks responsibility for life; her love is pure, healthy and passionate, and she has difficulty controlling her desires. She was dissatisfied with the family's discipline and social obscenity, and she went boating with her lover, and spent an unforgettable summer in the nature far away from the hustle and bustle. When she lay on the bow of the fishing boat facing the sea breeze, she was beautiful; when she danced with her lover in the sunset, she was beautiful; when she was spotless, naturally and warmly running towards the waves, she was beautiful. She hopes to live forever in those moments of eternal beauty and forget everything. There is no future or growing old in her mind, only the lust and sweetness of getting rid of time and space. There is a very interesting detail. When Monica's old lover vented his anger and burned the luggage of the two, Harry's reaction was immediately furious and fought with his rivals. And Monica did not scream or scream, nor did she pull the frame, but hurriedly extinguished the flames on the boat. It is enough to see from this that she had already regarded that boat as a home for her to stay in the summer and enjoy love. She fell in love with love, not someone.

But the summer will end, naturally, the reality will end, and the soul will end. Harry offered to go back to find a job several times so that Monica and her children could have a stable and happy life. Monica’s own attitude was very ambiguous. She always complained that her lover could not take care of herself and had to go out to steal meat; but when Harry gave her the promise of a better life, she did not want to return to marriage and integrate into reality. So when the boat sailed back to the picturesque town again, Monica was dead in the summer, even though the summer had not passed. The final parting of the two people was not because of the lack of gathering and separation caused by the struggle for their livelihood; it was also not because the two were too young to take care of their children, and it was not because of the cruel status quo of poverty. This is completely a tragedy of character, the impermanence of fate. What will happen to Nora after she leaves is a difficult and complicated question. Zijun and Juansheng made one answer, and Harry and Monica made another answer.

The ending of the film is amazing, and it also shows that Bergman can become a master in the future. No yelling, no torturing each other, life as always. It's just that in the noise and quarrel of moving house, Harry would still think of the beautiful Monica through the mirror. And will Monica do the same? unknown. This kind of processing method full of modernism is very rare in the early 1950s when the film is located. It's no wonder that Bergman's films will influence the rise of a whole generation of New Waves.

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Summer with Monika quotes

  • Monika Eriksson: I'm soaking wet, but I'll freeze if I take my coat off.

    Harry Lund: The sleeping bag's warm.

    Monika Eriksson: [takes her coat off] I don't want to wrinkle my skirt.

    [takes her skirt off]

    Monika Eriksson: Take off your pants so you don't ruin the creases. What nice long legs you have. Come here.

  • Försäljare hos Forsbergs: Finally decided to show up?

    Harry Lund: I didn't hear my alarm. Dad's sick, so I'm alone.

    Försäljare hos Forsbergs: Out with hussies, no doubt. That slut at the greengrocer's.

    Harry Lund: Mind your own business!