The door to enter you

Lavonne 2021-10-20 17:22:53

The down-and-out puppet showman found a door, which was dark and damp, with no heads in sight. Out of a sense of self-defense, he walked in with a stick, and then he found that he had entered the brain of an unknown person and controlled his life, and then the lives of both people changed. It happened that the man was still a rich celebrity, and his name was John Malkovich.
What an interesting plot! The most unmissable movie of 1999!
The charm of the film does not lie in the puppeteer, although he is brilliant, but has a strong sexual repression; it is not in her gay wife, although she is very fraternal, and raises a large group of large and small animals; nor is it in the sexy woman Clerk, even though she finally said that she loved the gay wife, when she rode on John Malkovich and had sex, she couldn’t tell who was in charge of the body, and who she needed at that moment. ; not even that John Malkovich himself, even though he is one of my favorite actor ......
movie's charm lies in the group out from John Malkovich to head Yilaoyishao, these immortal old man might have been in someone else's The head has survived for centuries. The intrusion of the puppeteer has affected their lives. If the puppeteer and her wife continue to use John Malkovich's brain, they will all die. Only then did they say this fan. The real secret of the wicket.
The reason why John Malkovich is outstanding is that these old people used their long life experience to help his acting career, but did not control him and use him to achieve any purpose.
These old people don’t really exist. The film just wants to tell us that some things will be left in your mind by others and then become a part of your life. They belong to you and are for you to control. These spiritual powers will live forever. .
Everyone has this kind of experience, a story, a fable, or a truth about being a person. An elder tells you, and then as time goes by, you grow up and age, and then you tell the people who follow you. The physical things will die out, but the spiritual TRANSIT will exist between many "doors" and "doors".
"I want to get into someone else's head and use his body to date someone I love. At the same time, my wife and the orangutan are locked up in a cage at home. What kind of life is this!" He said this desperately, but a minute later, when he learned where the female colleague was, he went into the small door without hesitation. Obviously he couldn't refuse, it was too tempting. He used John Malkovich's body to sleep with a female colleague who was thinking about it; he quickly achieved success in the acting world through John Malkovich's reputation and his talents. But so what? Everything is just an illusion. While occupying the brains of others, he abandoned his own spirit. He also understood that without John Malkovich as the "carrier", he was nothing. But in the end he chose to leave from there. After his spirit and John Malkovich's flesh were separated, he became insecure again, and it was obvious that he could not continue to stay there any longer. He has lost his career, his lover, and his wife. All that is left is the stick he brought in.
In fact, we face doors every day. After some doors are opened, you enter the lives of others. You can choose to possess, dominate, and consume the lives of two people; you can also do it, leaving the real Spirit, change the life of the owner of that door. Compared with the latter, your life becomes a part of him, and you become a member of those old men and old ladies, and you can live forever in the spiritual world of others.
I don't want to enter your life, I want to enter your head; I don't live in your brain forever, but I want to push your "door". Maybe one day, I will stand in front of your "door" and tap: "I have some good stories, can I come in for a cup of tea?"

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Being John Malkovich quotes

  • [During a job interview]

    Dr. Lester: Which of these two letters comes first, this one or this one?

    Craig Schwartz: The symbol on the left is not a letter, sir?

    Dr. Lester: Damn, you're good. I was trying to trick you.

  • Dr. Lester: Any questions?

    Craig Schwartz: Just one. Why are these ceilings so low?

    Dr. Lester: Low overhead, my boy - we pass the savings on to you! But seriously, that'll all be covered in the orientation.