For the country, please get out of the horse leather shroud, politicians

Garfield 2022-12-27 04:55:41

It's another heavy veteran's story. Psychological trauma is difficult to heal, and gradually intensifies with time, and finally is on the verge of collapse. The sacrificed comrade-in-arms was a knot that the male lead could not erase, and his torment became more and more serious. With a sense of guilt, he stepped into the abyss of darkness. His other comrades in comrades also lived unsatisfactorily. Some of the mental disorders were relieved by psychedelic drugs, some of them returned home and did not commit suicide, and half of them lived like walking corpses, all for the country. People who have worked hard, no matter where they fight, they are soldiers, and they only obey orders as their bounden duty. They do not owe their country to their country, and how their government did it, although they did not explicitly abandon them. , But, obviously, the method is to kill the donkey without paying attention to it.

And the sacrificed soldier, I think it’s really... hey, no one really cares about his widow’s life, even if the hero finally tells the truth about the sacrifice, he just wants to open his own heart. In the middle part, the wife of the male protagonist talked about borrowing money, and later his wife said: It is the male protagonist that cares about, not the wife who sacrificed his comrade-in-arms. This touches me a lot. It reminds me of the hard life that I and my mother experienced. My father was a martyr. When I was one year old, he died on the front line of the Laoshan Mountains to save his comrades. He sprinkled his blood on the border of China. Of course, soldiers died for the country. The Shroud of Horse Leather is the highest honor. I have always been proud of my father. But life will continue. Only we know how we got here in those hard days when my mother and I depended on each other. Where is the government and the party during the hard times? Hey, I am now in my 30s. I finally rely on my own efforts to make my mother's life better and better. Now I have my own family. I just need to take good care of my family. Taking good care of my mother is my greatest wish.

Going back to the film, it is generally good. It is unfortunate that each has its own misfortune. Post-war traumatic sequelae are difficult to heal, and many soldiers will feel very uncomfortable after they integrate into society. There is nothing wrong with the country. It is an honor for soldiers to contribute to the country. It is the government and the ruling politicians who do the wrong thing. It also reminds me of the movie Brave Death Island, which is very touching, tangled and sentimental.

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Thank You for Your Service quotes

  • Adam Schumann: [while having sex, Adam hallucinates Saskia getting hit with gunfire] Get off!

    [he starts panting]

    Saskia Schumann: What happened? What did I do? I don't understand. Tell me what to do. I need you to talk to me, Adam. It's time. I've given you months!

    Adam Schumann: I thought we were broke, and you're buying fucking lingerie!

    Adam Schumann: I thought you were fine. You're lying to me, I found your VA questionnaire, everything's a lie!

    Saskia Schumann: I'm not lying.

    Saskia Schumann: You're fucked up! You're not looking for a job! You're sick and I can't do anything if you don't fucking talk to me, Adam!

    Adam Schumann: I have to be sick or I can't get my benefits.

    Saskia Schumann: So you don't want to die? It was multiple choice and you said you wanted to die. Was that a lie? Hmm? Adam.

    Adam Schumann: [sighs] I don't know.

    Saskia Schumann: I wanna go to the VA with you next time.

    Adam Schumann: All right.

  • Saskia Schumann: You should have told me I was married to a hero.

    Adam Schumann: I'm not a hero.

    Saskia Schumann: [sighs] Hero enough.

    Adam Schumann: I just wanna get back into our house.

    Saskia Schumann: Me too. We're not that far off.

    Adam Schumann: Oh, yeah? Did you win the Powerball and not tell me?

    Saskia Schumann: Amanda loaned us some money.

    Adam Schumann: Amanda Doster?

    Saskia Schumann: Yeah. We were at Will's funeral and she offered.

    Adam Schumann: What the fuck are you doing?

    Saskia Schumann: I told her we were trying to get back into our house.

    Adam Schumann: Do you not fucking get that she has that money because her husband's dead? And that her husband is dead because of me? What the fuck, Saskia?

    [Saskia sighs]

    Adam Schumann: Fucking Christ.