What you see is what you believe

Rosalia 2022-11-10 13:50:20

A very interesting film, not too brain-burning, but it does raise a lot of real social problems.

The founder of the company is a man and a woman, the heroine Ryan is responsible for providing technology, and the male partner Sam is responsible for pulling sponsors.

Why does the heroine distrust Sam so subconsciously? At the beginning of the film, the heroine’s boyfriend came to see Ryan, trying to persuade her to go out for a drink and relax, Ryan refused, and the boyfriend said drinking and talking bad about your boss. Ryan immediately corrected him: he is not my boss. , He is my partner.

Using technology to invest in the company is Ryan's weakness. Scientific research companies burned money from the beginning. After all, it is difficult to say whether this thing can be listed and sold. But the heroine Ryan knew very well that once this thing succeeds, it will sell well. Even subconsciously imagine this to be true. However, after the technology became a shareholder, the company’s subsequent development and decision-making were not within Ryan’s control. This is why in the subconscious dream, Ryan believed that partner Sam was behind the scenes, imprisoning himself and becoming the CEO of his life. .

Later, the hostess questioned his father, if you have such a skill, you have such a mind, why don't you save your son, my brother. The father didn't say anything. In fact, the hostess admitted subconsciously that a large part of the accident was due to her own brother. His head hit the stone due to the waves, which caused people to drown in shallow water and brain death.

In fact, no matter what kind of virtual experience, it is impossible to bring back the younger brother. Because of brain death, the essential meaning is that the brain activity has stopped. A further explanation is that why the father has the right to extubate, because once the brain is no longer active , The heart stops beating, and the body starts to stop. Inserting auxiliary equipment is just to maintain the survival of the human body, but the brain is no longer working, like a bicycle. After the track is dropped, even if it is pushed hard, it will not move forward.

So when there is no brain activity, there is no point in using virtual medicines. All of Ryan's hopes were actually based on the impossible long ago. This is also a fact that as a father has to accept, but the heroine Ryan feels that as long as there is a chance, the past can be reversed.

What she believed led to everything that happened later.

Sam asked Ryan, our testers will actually record the specific virtual experience time on the computer. Ryan, you are the most diligent, 482 days. But our machine produced something twice the benchmark, what did you do.

The heroine Ryan herself spent nearly three years of virtual experience to test her own products.

In fact, from another perspective, Sam was so angry that he made a desperate move for a reason. The female protagonist’s purpose of setting up a company is actually more personal. She hopes that sponsors can help herself to complete this product. The question is, even if the product is successful, after the younger brother is really saved, will Ryan still sell the patent or product? In my opinion, it is most likely not.

After the heroine herself uses the product, there should actually be many areas that need to be corrected, which is actually very dangerous in the brain subconsciously. If you are not careful, you will get in yourself. In the absence of personnel, like her boyfriend, after secretly using the program for his younger brother, he fell into epilepsy. Obviously, it would not work for a few minutes. In other words, the hostess has a backdoor system that she can only have to ensure that she can retreat.

But how many people really have the ability or ideas in real life to reverse their own thoughts at a certain moment? In virtual reality, who is capable, like Ryan, who understands that this is the key and that this is not true?

This is actually the golden finger of the heroine Ryan. After all, other life, isn't it the heroine's wishful thinking?

Believe what you are willing to believe, only believe what you see. To a large extent, the brain can actually deceive itself.

After all, it is difficult for human beings to completely separate and change the past.

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  • Board Member: Now, this technology... We've read the literature, classification is proving difficult. Can you tell us how it differs from other controlled substances?

    Ren Amari: To begin with, it's not a drug. It's...

    Board Member: Biological software. You program new memories.

    Ren Amari: We create experiences. Indistinguishable from the real thing. As far as the brain is concerned, fantasy and reality are chemically identical.

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    Board Member: No chance of it lasting any longer?

    Ren Amari: None whatsoever.