Wang Jiawei likes Gulong. He said: "Jin Yong and Gulong are two great masters. I personally prefer Gulong because I think he is more pure and he sees people thoroughly, like a poet." So he used The character of Jin Yong came to shoot an ancient dragon story.
A bottle of wine called Zuishengmengdie, you can forget anything you have done before, will you drink it? Yaoshi Huang drank half of the altar. He really forgot a lot of things. He said: "The biggest worry of people is that they have a good memory. If you can forget everything, every day in the future will be a new beginning. Then you say How happy it is." He left the other half of the altar to Ouyang Feng, but he thought it was weird and didn't drink it.
Ouyang Feng left Baituoshan in anger because his lover became his sister-in-law, lived in a desert and started to work as a killer agent. He said, "Where there is a drought, there must be trouble, and where there is trouble, I will have business."
But it seems that there are always so many months every year when people don't want to die, so he didn't have much business before Lichun, only one person came to look for it. he. He asked Ouyang Feng to kill a person, and that person's name was Huang Yaoshi, because Huang Yaoshi abandoned his sister. This person is Murong Yan.
A few days later, another person came to him. She also asked Ouyang Feng to kill a person, and that person's name was Murongyan, because Murongyan was not allowed to be with Huang Yaoshi. This person is Murong Yan. In fact, the so-called Murong Yan and Murong Yan are just two identities of the same person. And behind these two identities, there is a wounded person hidden.
After her death, Huang Yaoshi began to forget many things. The only thing she remembered was that he liked peach blossoms, so six years later, he lived in seclusion on Taohua Island in the East China Sea. Since then, Peach Blossom has been Huang Yaoshi’s birdcage. So Pharmacist Jingzhe Huang didn't come, and Ouyang Feng was waiting for a letter. The letter brought news of his sister-in-law's death. So he finally drank half of the drunk life, but remembered things more clearly, he said: "Drunk life is just a joke she made to me. The more you want to forget some things, the more you will remember. When there are things you When you can't get it, the only thing you can do is don't forget." He burned his shop in the desert and returned to Baituo Mountain. He said: "Many years later, I have a nickname called Xi Du. Anyone can become vicious, as long as you have tried what is called jealousy."
Do you know the difference between jealousy and envy? Envy is wine, jealousy is water. The more you drink the wine, the warmer you drink, and the more you drink the water, the colder it gets. Envy is "If one day I can also be like him, it will be fine." And jealousy is "In fact, I can too." But he will be lost forever.
The English name of Dongxiexidu is Ashes of Time, which is translated as the ashes of time. In fact, it tells us a story of constant loss.
The more you want, the more you worry, the more you can’t let go, the more you crave, the more you disdain, the more reserved, the more you care, the more you suffer and the more you lose.
You want to start again. But unfortunately no one is rich enough to redeem their past.
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