Graduation exam

Alvena 2022-01-18 08:01:50

Finally finished the graduation exam...Two hours, a series of long conversations with my father as the starting point made me anxious, we seem to have been experiencing this kind of expectation... Parents regard us as treasures, but they are afraid that we will not succeed. Gold, it seems that we can only shine on the road of trials created by them, and thus become the pride of their ideals. Maybe I just want to go to the outskirts to watch squirrels dance, and live an unsatisfactory life with the boy I like... I was born a human and a parent. In the future, I will definitely not be able to give up two-thirds of myself for my children. People... The above remarks have nothing to do with the movie itself, it is a good film~ Mengji's shooting technique is great, the long lens is perfect, it is very interesting and worth watching.

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Graduation quotes

  • Romeo: Eliza, you have to do your best. It'd be a pity to miss this chance. Some important steps in life depend on small things. And some chances shouldn't be wasted. You know, in '91, your Mum and I decided to move back. It was a bad decision. We thought things would change, we thought we'd move mountains. We didn't move anything. I have no regrets, though. At least we tried...