My children say they hate me, but in fact they love me secretly

Monroe 2022-09-30 07:13:46

The English version of "Shameless" started broadcasting in 2004 (2004.1.13), the finale (2013.05.28), and a total of 11 seasons were broadcast in 10 years. The American version of Shameless is very popular, but the British drama has faded until Final Season is praised by thousands of people on FB and some actors have disappeared directly. Let’s put aside the actors and talk about the plot and lines. The most worthy thing in a British drama is the beginning and end of each episode-the character’s self-talk, every word and sentence are life, both of you and me are like being pierced by needles and threads. Real feelings that are skin-piercing. The English version is actually a warm and humorous film. There are no porcelain dolls like various fancy, high-budget or handsome scumbags in American TV series. The characters in the British drama are the people you can meet in the non-urban areas of the UK. Incest is particularly prone to happen in small cities. The situation is the same as in the British drama. And the family shown in this play is actually quite loving at all... It is inevitable that the small villagers are less Incest.
I heard that season 11 will be the last season of the show, and I wonder how such a long-lived show will end. After watching the overall feeling, the last episode has more tears than laughter. I heard that after the British drama was filmed, because of the serious loss of actors, the story of Gallagher's family was not the main line. However, the ending plot of the show basically revolves around Gallagher, and it is also obvious that it echoes the opening of the first season.
At the end, a long voiceover by Frank ends the whole play.
"My children say they hate me, but in fact they love me secretly. And I love them, but I also hate them secretly. Hey, it's not secretly hate it. It doesn't matter. They will always complain. Complaining, complaining that I cast a shadow over their lives. Said that I determined their lives. In fact, it was the opposite! They defined my existence. Without these children of mine, I would just be the guy in the corner of the bar. The dirty man who took public transportation, the man who slumped on the promenade in the park on Sunday afternoon, the world around him was slowly moving away from him.
…Anyway, I am not a part of them, but they constitute a part of my life. These unpleasant, ungrateful and wonderful little bunnies are all my children. They think independently, speak bluntly, do not follow the trend, tell me how to act, and most importantly, they always know what is most essential in this world. "

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Shameless quotes

  • Ian Gallagher: Sometimes we get so wrapped up in getting what we want, that we forget to ask ourselves why we wanted it in the first place.

  • Frank Gallagher: Tickets this way for the Chatsworth Express. Come and watch pikeys making a mess of the lives they were given by him up stairs, and kids they're convinced aren't actually theirs. What sounds on earth could ever replace kids needing money or wives in your face? Cause this, people reckon and me included is why pubs and drugs were kindly invented, to calm us all down, stop us going mental. These are Chatsworth Estates basic essentials. We are worth every penny for grinding your axes. You shit on our heads but you pay the taxes. Imagine a Britain without Chatsworth buccaneers who come on your face for the price of a beer. Make poverty history, cheaper drugs now! Make poverty history, cheaper drugs now! SCATTER!