Anti-war film

Eleanora 2022-12-04 20:06:44

There are two stark contrast moments in the movie. Adrian went to a bar in Germany and Anna went to a bar in France. The people in the two bars sang the same songs praising the war, "Guardians of the Rhine" and "Marseilles". "Qu" makes no difference. They mournfully cherish the memory of their compatriots who have passed away, and hate foreign travelers to their bones. But Franz’s father came out of grief, so he was resisted by his friends, but he said, “We sent them to the front line. When we killed the enemy’s son, we were here to toast to celebrate our Victory. When they killed our son, they were celebrating their victory by toasting." What a bosom as a bereaved person. War is always the ambition of the incumbents for rights and interests, but the injured are always ordinary people who send their relatives to the station. This is a tragedy since human civilization. There is no justice at all but it is like bones.

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