"Life and Death" story structure archive

Amelia 2021-10-20 17:22:52

Story structure:

(Introduction) The sniper and deputy South Africa were on a sniper mission, but they were violently counterattacked, but they asked for support but were abandoned by the leader; the deputy was killed, and the discouraged sniper chose to retire;

(Publishing) The sniper chose to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests with one person, one dog; here the military took out the sniper's military information and explained the fact that he was abandoned by the leadership that year.

(Transition) The military finds a sniper and invites to come out, and is responsible for helping the military find out the specific location where the sniper might assassinate the president.

(Argument) The sniper categorically refused, but was moved by the military's patriotic rhetoric.

(Bringing to the second act) After the military left, the sniper personally tested that a shot hit the target within a range of 1,600 meters, and personally checked along the president’s course of action, and finally locked the location of the assassination; and informed the military security personnel of all this All were recorded in detail by a wheelchair man;

(Story B) Story B is the story of FBI agents assisting snipers in tracing the truth of the case; the two struggled from the beginning to live and die together in adversity, and finally joined forces to find out the real culprit;

(Game time) At the beginning of the president’s trip, the sniper was the first to find the location of the assassin’s guns, but was shot by the sheriff behind him, and jumped out of the window after being injured; he subdued the FBI agent and robbed the vehicle and escaped; he hid in the car wash after simply bandaging, he was chased and intercepted again , The sniper drove the car into the big river, and finally managed to escape with the tug rope;

(Midpoint) FBI agents were ridiculed by the police after being exposed by the media; but the agents continued to hunt down the case and found a huge conspiracy; the agents searched the church and found traces of suspected cable holes, and found heavy electric sniper rifles online Information; After the female boss helped and the sniper’s former deputy girlfriend submitted the license plate number photo, the mysterious company belonging to the contractor was found;

(Bad guys approaching) The military learned that the detectives were investigating the incident, kidnapped the detectives, attempted to use suicide devices to create suicide illusions, were remotely killed by military agents by snipers, and rescued the detectives; looked for gun experts and learned of the bullets used by the snipers Wrapped in paper to rescue can create the ballistic traces of the same gun; and through the investigation, the wheelchair man next to the former top sniper military is finally locked;

(Nothing) The military deliberately let the detective find the information of the wheelchair man, and let the wheelchair man act as a bait, and kidnap his deputy girlfriend; after the sniper special training agent became a sniper outside rescue, he sneaked in single-handedly and confronted the wheelchair man.

(Dark hour) After the wheelchair man learned the truth about the death of his deputy and the fact that he was framed, the wheelchair man shot himself. Then the cabin was surrounded by armed men and attacked. The two cooperated with each other and broke out;

(Entering the third act) The sniper used the recording as a threat and asked for permission to exchange his deputy girlfriend;

(Great Battle) Trading at the top of the snow mountain, the sniper was killed as soon as he appeared; then the military ambushed the sniper with a full headshot, and the military leader was controlled by the sniper; it turned out that the connector was a detective wearing a steel plate armor, and The real sniper used tactics to kill all military snipers, interrupted the arm of the gunman who threatened his deputy's girlfriend, and rescued the deputy's girlfriend; he was then surrounded by the FBI;

In the military trial, the sniper was required to prove his innocence within 5 minutes; the agent stole a bullet from the sniper, and the moment the bullet was loaded, the sniper pointed at the trial officer and pulled the trigger, but the bullet failed to be effectively activated; It turns out that snipers have the habit of replacing the firing needles of invalid firearms after each use; in the end, the snipers were acquitted;

(Ending) While the military leaders and congressmen were laughing loudly at the snipers by the fire, the snipers killed people, serving as their deputy, serving their own dogs, and serving 400 innocent villagers. They shot and killed them and burned down the hut with a fire. Leave.

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  • Nick Memphis: [sips coffee, chokes, coughs]

    Mr. Rate: [smiling] Good coffee?

    Nick Memphis: Yeah.

  • Mr. Rate: Would've been a bad job to take, though.

    Nick Memphis: How come?

    Mr. Rate: Whoever took that shot's probably dead now. That's how conspiracy works. Them boys on the grassy knoll, they were dead within three hours. Buried in the damn desert. Unmarked graves out past Terlingua.

    Nick Memphis: And you know this for a fact?

    Mr. Rate: Still got the shovel!