Why do you say it is "the same taste as chewing wax"

Keely 2022-11-22 12:20:24

Feedback posted dedicated to the Virgin boss

This is a criticism of your Thai essay, discomfort, please turn driving.

First of all, it is obvious that I stand in the team ANTR.
The name of a certain Thai was "Romeo and Juliet in Your Thai", and it was positioned as an epic of love. Ka Lao himself also said that this is not a disaster film, but a romance film. In other words, although it chose the same historical event as ANTR, it is not much comparable. ANTR’s focus is on this disaster, and what it wants to show is many characters, and your focus is on love. Naturally, Nitai is not a second creation. There is no connection between ANTR and Nitai except for the same historical event. It's like the Forbidden Planet adapted from the storm but it's not the same at all. Although ANTR is an adaptation of the book, the author of the book is also trying his best to restore historical facts. ANTR is also known as the most historical film describing the sinking of the Thai ship.
Although it is not comparable, as far as the core is concerned, I spit on you.

1. Love does not come by accident, but the taste
is like chewing wax Du Niang said: "The so-called "dog blood" refers to the plots that are constantly reproduced and imitated in TV dramas to describe those similar plots, poor imitations, or very exaggerated and fake performances that often appear. Nowadays, "excessive and deliberate" sensational performances and plots are usually referred to as "dog blood"." Romeo and Juliet were also mentioned earlier. Love tragedies are common in ancient and modern times, and it is why you have more classics. Can Tai become the standard of love classics? If you look down on classics so much, then I can't help it.
What I think of the dog's blood refers to a fictional love story wrapped in real historical events. It is not different from Romeo and Juliet. Of course, there is a lot of love stories in the world, and it is probably the same. Beyond the class, the avant-garde love is gone, and as for the occurrence of love tragedies, the same type of love tragedies are almost caused by the inconsistent contradictions between classes, and your love tragedy is not because of class but because of shipwreck. , This will only reduce the quality of love that crosses the class. In short, even if you are not a poor boy, but a nobleman, this story is true. What ultimately led to the combination of the two was not the consensus caused by the ideological detachment of the class due to the difference between the identities, but the agreement between the two people. In the face of disasters, class oppression equals zero. Such a love story is only a love story or even a tragedy. Can't be called. In addition to saying that Diaosi can also get Bai Fumei, what does this love story tell us?

Second, I firmly believe that ANTR is better than you.
First of all, ANTR did not completely copy Lord's original work (the fundamental difference between film and literature) There is no copying of this statement, there is a qualitative difference between the two artistic communication methods), Lord’s original work is completely free of fiction and focuses on restoring history, ANTR uses the central character Charles Lightoller as a clue to connect the entire film, and he He is a person closely related to Thai Hao. Obviously, the true protagonist of ANTR is the sinking of Titanic, not the love story of any one person or couple.
Can only love make people memorable? After reading ANTR, recalling many details, it really reminds me. The last parting of the band captain and the team members, the captain playing the piano alone and the players feeling sorry for not leaving and playing together, is enough to move me, and the contrast between the description of the band and the frantic fleeing crowd in Thailand and China is not given by ANTR. The kind of calmness facing death and the awe-inspiring face of fate, but the strong contrast makes people feel amused. When the ship sank, people on the lifeboat prayed, and people of different languages ​​also had the same heart. However, after the ship sinks, do you want to go back to save people? Each has their own opinions. Are these characters flat? Does it take 3 hours to create a character to make a good movie? How about you, except for some Luo and Zhu, who have been played in a short time, and who is worthy of us to experience? ANTR Everyone's shots in just a few seconds are full of stories, instead of assuming that only love can sustain a tragedy. Think of a tragedy in which thousands of people have died. Just being moved by a fictional love is probably the most tragic of this tragedy.
The focus of ANTR from the beginning to the end is the contradiction formed by "unsinkable" and final "sinking" (it has nothing to do with the ship), and its core is the level and level of understanding of things by people (common people) The spirit of man facing death. You might also argue that Terry also has a lot of plots showing this kind of stuff. However, I don't think these are necessary, but just green leaves to set off the tragic and vigorousness of love. On the contrary, love in ANTR can be absent, but the display of the core is indispensable. This is also one of the reasons why I strongly believe that ANTR is better than you.

3. I just like the calm atmosphere of ANTR.
I don't know if the benefit of watching a good movie is that the effect it presents is better than I thought. I don't know what the concept of "beauty" is. If your Thai-Chinese love tragedy is beautiful, then I don’t know why I like Woody Allen’s Manhattan. And I think goodness cannot be defined, otherwise the young age should be the top 250 of major websites.
Many people dislike ANTR's attempt to restore history and ignore the drama. Maybe the director and the producer just want to tell the story to everyone regardless of class or nationality. Just like the people who speak different languages ​​in the movie praying for the dead, shouldn't everyone unite in the face of a terrorist attack, should we talk about love, shouldn't we? ?
Even if the sinking of the Thai ship is a foregone conclusion, don’t you have the heart to tell the world, “There are fictional characters on the Thai ship shredded pork and you, shredded pork loves you, you love shredded pork, you draw shreds of pork, you Jie x shreds of pork "This kind of story of foreplay to climax over a long period of time is different from slow-playing a mosaic A film for three hours. It is not too much to describe.
Besides, if ANTR's narrative is straighter than yours, is there really nothing left for you to think about? (It is derived from historical events, not longing to think in history but thinking in fiction is also a sad reminder.) It is
just a sentence never be sure again, about anything. I have a lot of thoughts, not a sure about a person, but It is a sure of everything. This is not just a clean-up of personal "immoral" thought stains, but also a lot of doubts that we dare not question or have never questioned. It is also a reflection on many of us that we are accustomed to. The classic history of love can be given to me.
This is not a boring movie, it is a magnificent and thoughtful masterpiece. Some people think "I really can't see the difference between watching a movie and reading a book" "Is it lacking some skills", I think it is too thick and thin. Is it the truth that the Thai ship is sinking if you want to be hysterical? Can you allocate a little bit of your Thai budget to ANTR? Maybe you can make a one-to-one bust of the Thai ship like yours, and if it becomes a documentary about the sinking of the Thai ship, it is estimated that more people will spurn its boringness!
PS: Shouldn't the flare be the same as the one in ANTR...Which is the flare in Terry, it's fire of 4th of July at all. (correct me if I'm wrong)

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A Night to Remember quotes

  • Lady Richard: [observing the strict "Women and Children" first policy on the port side of the Boat Deck] It's absurd. On the other side the gentlemen are going in the boats with their ladies. Why on earth we're standing here, I don't know.

    Sir Richard: But... Well, there'll be room in the boats for everybody.

    Lady Richard: Of course there will.

  • Robbie Lucas: Oh, Mister Andrews?

    Andrews: Yes?

    Robbie Lucas: I'd like you to tell me something. I... I have a wife and three children on board. Just how serious is it?

    [Andrews hesitates]

    Robbie Lucas: I'm not the panicking kind.

    Andrews: The ship has about an hour to live. A little more, if some of the upper bulkheads hold, but not much more. Get your wife and children into the boats.

    Robbie Lucas: Thank you.

    [Andrews walks off]

    Robbie Lucas: Oh, Mister Andrews?

    [Andrews stops and turns around]

    Robbie Lucas: I take it you and I might both be in the same boat later?

    Andrews: [smiles sadly] Yes... We may.