Is it true love that cannot be obtained?

Calista 2022-11-10 08:07:29

The psychiatrist and the patient’s sister had sparks since they met. The second time they met, they had sex. The picture was beautiful. If there were no conspiracies behind, I would like this romance movie very much. The hero is for his beloved Woman, investigate her husband and help her escape from the unfortunate marriage. It's a pity that the conspiracy behind is frustrating. . . From the elder sister’s narration about her sister’s excitement and speechless feeling when she was raped by her father, she guessed that she was the daughter raped by her father. In order to use the psychologist to approach him and have a relationship, in the doctor’s view it is indeed love. So is it possible to pretend love? Why true love may allow the other person to avoid it, while conspiracy love makes the other person unable to stop it? Probably like Eason Chan said in the lyrics, what is not available is always in commotion.

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Final Analysis quotes

  • Isaac Barr: She's not the type of girl you stop seeing.

  • Isaac Barr: It's over... it's over

    [goes for the gun]

    Heather Evans: [snatches it up screaming] IT'S NOT OVER... You Think You Can Fucking Shrink Me Like One Of Your Patients? I don't give a shit about my father... I don't give a shit about anything