Deep feelings, bored

Hailee 2021-10-20 17:22:48

"The Hangover" trilogy (2008~2013)

"The Hangover" (The Hangover) is undoubtedly one of the best R-rated comedies in the new millennium. It has a suspenseful background, an audience-based plot starting point, and a rich and full of character and actor performance. Give the soul of this series.

Although the sequel almost copied the settings of the first part intact, and the final chapter of the series also lacks the R-rated comedy element of the previous work, it is undeniable that the "Hangover" series has shown its true essence to be extremely strong. It's brotherhood.

The core character group of this series is four people, Phil (Phil), Stu (Stu), Alan (Alan) and Doug (Doug), Allen calls this small group "Wolf pack" (Wolf pack).

"The Hangover" (2008)

These four characters have shown a strong and firm friendship in the series. The most amazing thing is that the personality characteristics of these four people are almost indistinguishable (except for all hangovers and extremely crazy mental states after being drunk). From a realistic perspective, it is difficult to imagine how these four people came together and became good friends.

Phil is the most attractive person among the wolves, his personality is the most prodigal, but at the same time he is also the first to get married, there is not much space in the movie to describe his attitude towards family, but from some In the small details (holding a sleeping child after the wedding, etc.), it can still be seen that this is a responsible and playful man.

Phil in The Hangover

On the contrary, Stu, as the most restrained character, is actually the most depressed in the world. In the first part, he is restrained by a girlfriend who has a strong desire to control, and in the second part, he is strongly obsessed with stereotypes. Fettered by his prospective father-in-law, everything shows that he will not be a central figure in the wolves, but he also has a small universe that is always ready to explode, and the most turbulent changes after each hangover will appear in him On his body, and from the movie, you can also know that he is in a drunken state, and his crazy mental state will never lose anyone.

Stu in The Hangover 2 (2011)

Alan is a rare type of person in real life. Such a card counting master, a genius with a relatively young mind with a single muscle, will indeed be the focus of the drama of the film, but unfortunately such a person. In real life, there are usually no friends, just like Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory. If such a person lives in real life, the situation is usually not as harmonious as in a TV series. , This is also the point that real life is still incomparable to the world of movies, and that is the tolerance of human beings.

Allen in The Hangover 2

Doug should be the one with the least weight in the description of the wolves, which to a large extent also reflects the large gaps in the plot design of the movie. According to the audience, it is probably the "worst one". Take a closer look. If you think about it, you will find that Doug should be the most ordinary person in it. He has a happy marriage. Although he has a low sense of presence in the movie, he has a premonition that he is still the most important member of the wolf pack in ordinary life.

Doug in The Hangover

Many male compatriots will compare the wolf pack in the movie with their circle of friends in real life. They will try their best to put themselves on the title of Phil, and then impose Stu or Doug on other introverted and shy friends; Apart from this kind of joke, it reflects the core factor of the "Hangover" series, the importance of friendship.

Even so, I have to admit that we are usually not the role we want to be. Some people want to be a courageous role like Phil, but maybe they are just men of science and technology like Stu; some people. It is indeed a character like Phil, but they may have a face like Alan. But maybe after accepting this fact, we will discover that self-positioning is actually the most important part.

The plot that occupies a large part of the "Hangover" series is the wedding. For many people, the wedding is such a beautiful fantasy. It symbolizes the further development of love, the beginning of a new starting point for the family, and the reunion of friendship. , Such an emotional gathering point is a scene that many people dream of.

The ideal beach party after the wedding

Movies provide a platform, a platform that gathers all kinds of beautiful things. Such a movie can usually touch the hearts of most male companions who long for friendship and love. Because wedding means love, and hangover means friendship, in such a movie that has both, one would not wonder why feelings are so precious.

The reality may not be so exciting, we will have love, we will have friendship, maybe they are not what we see in the movies, maybe our friends and lovers will appear at different stages in our lives, in such a cold and cruel In this world, it must be lucky to have someone by your side all the time.

"The Hangover 2" (2011)

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Extended Reading

The Hangover Part III quotes

  • [last lines]

    Alan: I'm ready.

  • Alan: Leslie, get down from there! Please, you're gonna hurt yourself!

    Mr. Chow: Nothing hurts Chow. I am invisible!

    Phil: It's invincible, and you're not, you're just out of your fucking mind!