Attack on the Soviet Union-Nazi Germany's oil ambitions

Santino 2022-12-25 18:18:10

I wrote a long review for the first time, and wrote a few short reviews of movies, but I still feel that it is not enough.
I have recently become fascinated by World War II movies. I watched "Tiger Tiger Tiger" the day before yesterday. Compared with the pure documentary style, I still like this kind of film with a little bit of affection between children and daughters. There is a flash of first-level social flower, and Louise, who wanted to do business with Ge Fei to forever, had a hard parting kiss turned into a farewell. I'm just a narrow-minded girl, always moved to tears and bitterness by the love that is not the main theme of the movie. Let's talk about business.
I have always admired Hitler. Behind his magnificent tactics and iron will, he has a strong economic mind and his ambition to control the oil lifeline of the Eurasian continent. On September 1, 1939, the "Blitzkrieg" (Battle of Smolensk) attacked Poland and successively captured seven European countries. Hitler's war in Europe was basically a war with armored forces as the core and air force as the cover, behind it was also an "economically applicable war." Former U.S. Secretary of State Kissinger said: "If you control oil, you control all countries." This is also evident from the decline in the ruble under Russia's economic sanctions. Many people criticized or did not understand why Hitler did not manage well the occupied European territories, but had to fight on two fronts to attack the Soviet Union. Because of oil, the Caucasus oil field in the Soviet Union, the output of this oil field is enough for Germany's use in a year, plus the large Romanian oil field and the country's coal-to-liquid technology can basically support Hitler's war and people's livelihood use. So Hitler attacked the Soviet Union in 1941. At that time, the soldiers were divided into three groups, all the way north to attack Leningrad, the center line to Moscow, and the southern line to attack the Caucasus. However, the southern route was controversial at the time. Many military officers believed that they should concentrate their efforts on attacking Moscow because that was the capital and the political and economic center. There was Soviet infrastructure construction that could destroy their communications, railways, etc. Later Hitler also gave up the southern line. Later, the failure of the Caucasus campaign should be the turning point of the economic war. In fact, Hitler was right to start the war strategy. Only by taking down the oil field can he continue to fight. This is a far cry, and has nothing to do with the film.
Speaking of the movie, Hitler formed a team of assault forces, and wanted to penetrate the Port of Antwerp from the Ardennes Forest within 50 hours to defeat the Soviet Union under the cover of weather, and get 6 months to develop the high-tech industry, aircraft, rockets, and atomic bombs, but Finally, the oil ran out, abandoning the tank army, and returning home with guns on foot. A few details in the movie are very interesting.
The first is the gasoline pipe, the gasoline tank that the Germans carry with them. Because they have no oil, they need to get supplies from elsewhere at any time. This is also the deadliest part of Germany's failure.
Second, the cake from the United States by air. It's still oil. Germany is poor and squeezes out all the oil used for people's livelihood to use it in the last fight in the war. The Americans actually have airplane oil to transport the cake. The energy supply contrast is too disparity.
Thirdly, why are Heathers being urged, why 50h, because the oil is only enough to support 50h.
Fourth, get lost. I remember reading a book before and saying that the mayor of the armored division took the wrong map. The war is also such a drama, and the details determine the success or failure.
What the war is fighting is whether it can be sustained for a long time. As Heathers said, the war will not end, on and on and on, and the country must have the ability to continue fighting. German armored forces and air forces without oil can no longer take advantage of the "blitzkrieg". Therefore, unable to win enough war preparation oil, Germany is destined to lose the entire war. Just like Japan’s failure, under the late US economic sanctions, there was no oil, no war machine, and under the threat of an atomic bomb, Japan surrendered.
World War II was a war between oil-rich countries, the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union, and the oil-poor countries, Germany, Japan, Italy, and the poor. Fundamentally speaking, Germany is doomed to fail.

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Battle of the Bulge quotes

  • Lt. Weaver: [speaking to U.S. Army M.P.s he knew were Germans in disguise at the fuel supply camp, in a sarcastic voice] Does the road to Amblève still lead to Malmedy?

    [then he shoots them]

  • Col. Martin Hessler: I do not kill prisoners, but I would have no compunction at shooting you myself for your last remark.

    Maj. Wolenski: Then do it!