Really great movie

Kelli 2022-01-17 08:02:12

A Czech man, fifty-five years old, a staunch opponent of marriage, adhering to celibacy, playing the cello, and sometimes dating women, in order to make some money, fake marriage with a Russian woman, the woman fled to Germany, leaving a five Year-old boy, the story begins like this...

Louka said that some old Czech hens gave birth to Russian eggs and laughed at me when they didn’t know it. Haha... a lot of interesting little details, Wearing new shoes on the subway, worrying about being stepped on, talking with the pigeons flying into the window, holding funerals for the puppets, etc., looks very kind and warm. And the montage when Kolja had a fever was too wonderful,

a city full of innocence... Poetic city, warm shots. Different from the dark tone or mocking tone of other films written at the same time, a story full of fairy tales and art in a chaotic situation slowly unfolds to you in the softly told by the director.

Best foreign language film at Oscar, really great.

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