3.5 stars, a movie with surprises in the ordinary

Dave 2022-06-04 23:19:41

The producer and screenwriter of this film is Wen Ziren, so it's definitely not much different. So watched.
The routine of the traditional haunted house movie, this movie is quite satisfactory in most cases, but it is not lost.

The narrative technique is quite novel, police investigation + hero recollection + VCR record, this boring plot has a bit of freshness.

And the ending part is still very brilliant, the plot is reversed. The most surprising thing is that in this movie, the demon finally won, and defeated the dead human.

In most horror and thriller movies, a group of people keep going to play or investigate things that they shouldn’t go, often in the end, it’s humans who defeat ghosts and escape in a thrilling manner. Of course, there is also the god of death, and the mysterious power used to suddenly make up for the sequel after the victory of mankind in the sequel. This film is the first time I have seen a victory over humans from IQ.

Not surprisingly, there should be a sequel to this film, but I am still looking forward to it.

In addition, the male protagonist looks pretty high.

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