Survival-is the thing we don't understand the least

Zion 2022-01-17 08:03:33

The name of a girl propped up this heavy movie, beautiful and heavy. It seems that every angle is a solemn picture, recording the life we ​​don't understand after the 2nd war. It seems that every posture has lost its original meaning and is fixed on the brocade of time.
After the war, we saw the pain of the Jews and the sorrow of the Germans. The enthusiasm during the war was wiped out, and all that was left was the exhaustion of energy. In the process of the escape of the children of a senior German SS officer, the loser had no dignity, and in the face of survival, dignity was equally vulnerable. Lore’s parents were both participants and believers in the German Fascist War. They had a firm belief in German fascism and the head of state. This belief allowed them to choose martyrs when the country collapsed. The rest is how their children save themselves. , Far away from the dilapidated homeland, this is an escape from the homeland, and also an escape from oneself. The collapse of faith and the trauma of the soul make Lore's life no more peaceful. For this experience, the body may survive for her, but The mind is dead.
The defeated had no dignity, just like how the Jews were trampled on. The defeated Germany was also severely punished. The partition of the Axis powers by the Allies split Germany, and the punishment of the prisoners by the Allies caused Germany to be sanctioned. A young girl brought her younger siblings. , Struggling to find a road to self-protection, under the background of the country’s destruction and family destruction, people are falling leaves. Lore is influenced by her parents, and more importantly, her mother. She is smart and conceited. She has a longing for the German SS. The world she knows is the glorious German world, but the reality of failure impacts her. She doesn't know how to kill. , Her character is conceited and arrogant, so she looks stupid and stubborn when facing the life of the departure of her parents. She tries to adhere to her inherent beliefs, but the beliefs, like the country, have been shaky and eventually ceased to exist. Parents hid in the countryside, and the departure of their parents left them helpless. As the eldest sister, she could only take care of her younger siblings and embark on the road to find her grandmother. The end of that road is the hope of life. But all the way through hardships, through hunger, censorship, and death, they met the young Thomas at a loss. What kind of young man is this? One thing can be known. He is not a bad person. Without him, Lore and the others would not be able to reach grandmother's house. Also unable to live, this young man caused Lore's outlook on life and values ​​to begin to change. From the initial hostility to the later recognition and trust, all this came from the suffering they had experienced together. Lore's innocence and naivety made her unable to face a broken life, so Thomas appeared, and his appearance saved him. He made up for the part of her lack of character, but there was no love between them, even a trace. There is no warm gaze from Si, only from the initial hostility to the final sadness. Thomas likes Loho, but he also respects Loho. Whether he is a Jew or who he is, it doesn’t really matter anymore. The important thing is Like Loho, he is a person who has lost a loved one and has no home. Everyone has their own past, but we don’t need to mention it. The things we have experienced together really exist, do they? Finally arrived at the grandmother’s house, but everyone lost a part of themselves. In that long and arduous journey, everyone has been changed. When they came to the home of vision, they lost the heart that was dreaming at that time. Growth is loss. , Cruel and cold, makes people unable to look back. When Luohe disregarded her grandma's order and spilled milk on the table and grabbed it with her hand, who did she think of? She lost her younger brother, and the lover who had never started. Her heart was not Nazi anymore. She had doubts about her past and her indifference to her current life.
Tears are always left inadvertently, and then slowly dry up, as if they never existed before, maybe I can’t tell the change this movie has made to me, just like I can’t tell what I am in this movie Tears, but they flowed, even if they disappeared, they just sank into the river of consciousness under the skin. We know the suffering of the Jews and the suffering of the Germans. Some sins cannot be forgiven. People must be responsible for their actions. This society is not divided between light and darkness. There is good and evil in human nature. Each of us has a past. . Suffering can save people, but we may not all learn to smile from it. People in life come and go, they are part of our life, they bring part of our soul, and take away part of our soul. After experiencing the geographical heaven, it is no longer a heaven. Both Germans and Jews are human beings. They live in a country without understanding each other's lives. This is the source of all suffering.

This is a very beautiful movie. It seems that it is not appropriate to use beauty to describe such a heavy theme, but every picture has a kind of beauty in it.

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Lore quotes

  • [first lines]

    Vati: We can only take what fits in the truck.

    Mutti: I'm not talking about the damn truck!

    Vati: [Lore walks into the room] Hey, here she is! My girl. Come here.