Here are the four heros: Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic, who can elongated his body like rubber; Susan Storm/Invisible Woman, who can become invisible and put up a force field; Johnny Storm/Human Torch, who can shoot fire from his entire body; and Ben Grimm/The Thing, a hideous rock monster with superhuman strength. The story premise is simple, they battle the evil Doctor Doom as a team, which is called the Fantastic Four.
The movie is two hours long, but went by like a breeze. The screen was filled with action and explosion and high tech gadgets that always kept our eyes busy. The only problem is the story. Well, there's really not much of a story at all. It's more like a show and tell of the four superheros, how they became what they are, and to show off their powers. I don't feel like I'm emotionally attached to any of them, unlike how I really felt for Bruce Wayne in "Batman Begins". Like I said before, it's a blockbuster movie, it's entertaining, it's funny, the guys in there are hot, but definitely won't make it in my list of top ten movies of the year.
Oh , and it's always a treat to see Stan Lee as a cameo in a Marvel comic movie. :)
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