Small hand in hand

Jermain 2022-01-17 08:02:12

"Big-headed son and small-headed dad, a good friend, happy father and son. The son's head is big and the hands are small, and the daddy's head is big and the hands are big. Big hands hold small hands, walking is not afraid of slippery..." The cartoons I have seen in childhood, the plot has long been Forgetting, only that cute little-headed father and this humorous theme song are still deeply in my mind. Big hands holding small hands, perhaps this is the most ordinary and most affectionate image of the father in childhood.
If you say that the gentlest hand in the world is the hand of a mother. Then the most powerful hand should be Dad's hand. Dad’s hand conveys courage and strength, representing safety and trust, holding the child’s young hand, through fear, through depression, through loneliness, and through sadness.
The intimate and ordinary holding hands between father and son. For middle-aged men and foreign little boys who have no blood relationship but have the name of father and son, what kind of awkward and warm heart journey should be experienced in order to love each other Hold it?
Let's watch "COLYA".
Because of a fake marriage full of political colors, the single Luke became Goye's nominal stepfather. Because Ge Ye’s mother went to West Germany for love, and Ge Ye’s grandmother died suddenly, Luke was forced to take on the responsibility of taking care of Ge Ye—one was a downturned Czech musician, and the other was a helpless little Soviet boy. , The old and the young, who were so separated, began to live together in a difficult way.
Maybe it started by secretly drinking the tea that Luke prepared for him; maybe it started by feeling the warmth of the quilt that Luke had put on him in the night in his sleep; maybe it started by being walked through by Lukla for the first time The endless stream of roads began... It is not clear from which specific moment, Ge Ye began to integrate into Luke's life, the gap gradually disappeared, and harmony began to come.
"Where is grandmother?"
"Grandmother is asleep. We can't wake her up."
Standing by the busy road for the second time, the little brother asked the dead grandmother. Luke woven a beautiful lie. Although clichéd, it is always warm.
The little brother Ye thoughtfully stretched out his little hand and placed it in Luke's big palm, first with a timid temptation, and then with a firm grip. As far as he could see, it was a sign with a picture of an adult pulling a child across a zebra crossing pattern. Smart brother, understand the meaning of the sign.
Little hand in hand, the pure trust of a child, and the delicate feelings of a man. From then on, in the most complicated and complicated real environment, they held hands and held each other to interpret a warm and touching affection between father and son.
When Ge Ye was picked up by his mother, the glass door of the boarding room slowly closed in front of Luke. Luke saw his shadow, that was a brand new self-through a period of getting along with Ge Ye, aroused the warmest affection in his heart. At the end of the film, Luke got a new job, and the love crystallization is gestating in the belly of his lover.
It has nothing to do with politics or race. Let love return. This may be the essence of "COLYA" that can move people's hearts most.

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